What is Seclusive?

What is Seclusive?

n. the tendency to isolate oneself from social contacts or human relationships. See also privacy. —seclusive adj.

What does it mean to seclude someone?

transitive verb. 1 obsolete : to exclude from a privilege, rank, or dignity : debar. 2 : to remove or separate from intercourse or outside influence : isolate. 3 : shut off, screen.

What is Seclusive behavior?

A strategy for managing disturbed and violent patients in psychiatric units in the UK, which consists of supervised confinement of the patient to a separate room (i.e., involuntary isolation) to protect him- or herself and others from harm.

What is the synonym of reclusive?

antisocial. ascetic. cloistered. eremetic.

What is exclusiveness?

[uncountable] ​the fact of being of a high quality and expensive and therefore not often bought or used by most people.

What is the difference between Seclusive and reclusive?

As adjectives the difference between reclusive and seclusive is that reclusive is of, characterized by, or preferring privacy and isolation; secluded while seclusive is serving or tending to seclude (oneself); affecting seclusion.

What is a narc slang?

slang. : a person (such as a government agent) who investigates narcotics violations.

What does the wholehearted mean?

1 : completely and sincerely devoted, determined, or enthusiastic a wholehearted student of social problems. 2 : marked by complete earnest commitment : free from all reserve or hesitation gave the proposal wholehearted approval.

Is Redirectable a word?

Capable of being redirected. The redirectable output was sent to a printer instead of the screen.

What are two synonyms for recluse?

Synonyms & Antonyms of recluse

  • anchorite,
  • eremite,
  • hermit,
  • isolate,
  • solitary.

What is a unsociable?

1 : having or showing a disinclination for social activity : solitary, reserved.

What does Clannishness mean?

1 : of or relating to a clan clannish traditions. 2 : tending to associate only with a select group of similar background or status a clannish community. Other Words from clannish Synonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About clannish.

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