What is the 70cm calling frequency UK?

What is the 70cm calling frequency UK?

The 2m FM voice calling channel is 145.500MHz and the 70cm FM voice calling channel is 433.500MHz.

What is the national calling frequency for FM simplex operations in the 70 cm band?

FM simplex is allowed on every band where voice communications is allowed. 432.100 MHz is the calling frequency for 70cm SSB, which your rig cannot do.

What is the simplex frequency?

146.52 MHz
Across all of North America, the National Simplex Frequency (also referred to as the calling frequency) is 146.52 MHz….What Frequency Do I Use On 2 Meters?

2 Meter Band Plan Adapted from the ARRL web site
144.000-144.100 CW
146.400-146.595 FM Simplex (National Simplex Frequency =146.52 MHz)

What are the GMRS channels?

Frequency Table

Frequency FRS Channel GMRS Bandwidth
462.5875 MHz 2 20 kHz
462.6125 MHz 3 20 kHz
462.6375 MHz 4 20 kHz
462.6625 MHz 5 20 kHz

What is a 70cm frequency?

The 70-centimeter or 440 MHz band is a portion of the UHF radio spectrum internationally allocated to amateur radio and amateur satellite use. Most amateurs operating on 70 cm use either equipment purpose built for ham radio, or commercial equipment designed for nearby land mobile frequencies.

Which is simplex channels do you use in the UK?

This area of the band is allocated to simplex channels U272 to U288 that may either be used for FM or digital voice (DV) communication. The FM calling channel is on U280 (433.500MHz), but note that UK DV calling is elsewhere at 438.6125.

Which is the National calling frequency for simplex radio?

Choosing an appropriate simplex frequency can be a little tricky, since local practice varies. Across all of North America, 446.000 MHz is the National Simplex Frequency (also referred to as the calling frequency). In most places, the channels immediately adjacent to 446.000 MHz are used as simplex frequencies, spaced by 25 kHz.

How big is a simplex FM repeater channel?

60m (5MHz) Channels. 6m FM Repeater Channels (NO CTCSS) 2m Simplex Channels (145.200 – 145.5875MHz [12.5kHz spacing]) 2m (All-Mode Section) FM (144.5125 – 145.7875MHz [12.5kHz spacing])

Which is the Best ham band for simplex?

The 70 cm band (420 to 450 MHz) is another popular ham band for simplex and repeater operating, so we’ll take a look at that band now. FCC Rules The first thing we need to know is the FCC frequency authorization for our particular license class. Just like the 2 Meter band,…

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