What NASA said about Ram Setu?

What NASA said about Ram Setu?

based on the Ram Setu. After the news of NASA imagery started doing the rounds, NASA made a statement saying that they never said Ram Setu is man-made, or 1.75 million years old.

How old is Ram Setu according to NASA?

Ram Setu 18,400 years old: Study. Adam’s Bridge is a 35 km long stretch of shoal and sandbank under the sea between Pamban Island of Tamil Nadu and Mannar Island of Sri Lanka. The bridge which is submerged in the water is roughly 100 meters wide and up to 10 metres in depth.

Is Ram Setu bridge real?

The existence of the Ram Setu has been mentioned in the Hindu mythology Ramayana, but there has been no scientific proof yet that it is a man-made bridge. Temple records seem to suggest that Adam’s Bridge or the Ram Setu was completely above sea level till 1480.

Did NASA confirms Ram Setu?

US space agency NASA says pictures taken by its astronauts do not prove the existence or otherwise of a manmade Ram Setu bridge as mentioned in the Hindu epic Ramayana. ‘NASA had been taking pictures of these shoals for years. Its images had never resulted in any scientific discovery in the area.

Is it allowed to walk on Ram Setu?

Can we walk on Ram Setu bridge? Yes, the water is very shallow and one can walk on the structure for some distance..

Can I walk on Ram Setu?

Can we walk on Ram Setu bridge? Yes, the water is very shallow and one can walk on the structure for some distance.

Can we walk on Ram Setu?

Why Ram Setu is called Adam’s Bridge?

Ram Setu is also called as Adam’s Bridge, Nala Setu and Setu Banda. Ram Setu as it was built by Rama and his army. The name Adam’s Bridge comes from some ancient Islamic texts referring to the Adam’s Peak in Sri Lanka (Adam is suppose to fallen in this part of earth).

Was Sri Lanka ever a part of India?

Sri Lanka was a separate crown colony from the British Raj since the end of the 18th century. Sri Lanka and Burma became seperately independent from India because they had become separate colonies.

Is the Adam’s Bridge a man made bridge?

Those who believe Adam’s Bridge is man-made say that the degeneration of the bridge over the ages has left it in a state that is difficult to discern from a natural formation.

How old is the Adam’s Bridge in India?

In 2007, when fresh NASA images emerged showing Adam’s Bridge and gained traction online, India’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) announced that NASA dated the bridge to 1.7 million years ago. This date fit well with the Indian legends, corresponding to one of the four ages of mankind, the one in which King Rama lived.

How old is the bridge in Sri Lanka?

According to ancient Indian legend, King Rama built a bridge between India and Sri Lanka more than a million years ago. Some have looked at NASA satellite images and noted what looks like the remnants of such a bridge. The question is whether it is man-made or a natural formation.

What was the dimensions of the Ramayana bridge?

The “Ramayana” describes the dimensions of the bridge as 100 yojana in length and 10 yojana in width. One yojana is equivalent to about 5 miles (8 kilometers). This would mean a bridge of astronomical proportions, clearly not fitting the bridge observed there today.

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