Is it illegal to sell study notes?

Is it illegal to sell study notes?

While the California Education Code prohibits students and others from selling class notes – and many campuses have policies that also ban unauthorized note-selling – critics say students, not instructors, own the copyright to their own notes.

How much should I sell my class notes for?

Student Notes You can earn cash for the notes you take for every test in your class. The amount you make will vary depending on how well you took notes and how many pages they are. The website states that, on average, a set of notes sells for $75.

Can you sell your school notes?

Selling notes is an excellent way to earn some extra money. Basically, you get paid for the hard work you already executed. It’s more fun than the average student side job. If you become a top seller, you might even be able to quit your side job!

Where can I sell my class notes?

Docmerit offers an online platform to sell study notes, so you can make the most of your studies. Within seconds, you’re able to create your personal study store. Making effective study notes will not only boost your grades but also give you some extra cash.

Is it cheating to sell notes?

Selling class notes can fall under a policy that prohibits aiding in any active academic dishonesty, Hodges said.

Is it cheating to buy notes?

buying, selling or trading notes (but be aware this behaviour may lead to contract cheating so be careful) sharing your past assignments with others (be aware that this can lead to others using your work to contract cheat which makes you a party to contract cheating and you may receive an academic penalty)

How do you make money selling study notes?

How DocMerit helps you to sell your study notes?

  1. Sign up for free. Sign up and posting study notes is absolutely free!
  2. Upload your notes. You can upload your documents, study guides and test to DocMerit, be it the handwritten one or a digital one.
  3. Have multiple sales.
  4. Become the top seller with our tips.

Where can I sell my 786 note?

the eBay website
If you have a collection of notes and there is any currency note with the series number 786 on it, then you can go to the eBay website and sell the note.

Is it legal to buy notes?

Is this legal? Yes. As long as the subject notes are a mixture of your research and thinking from multiple sources (eg lectures, textbooks, private research), you are legally the author of a new work and have the right to sell it.

Is sharing notes academically dishonest?

To cut to the point, yes, sharing notes can be considered academic cheating. While it often happens innocently enough, some professors consider giving your notes to a classmate academic cheating. Even if a student is out sick, a professor may charge both students with something called unauthorized collaboration.

Is sharing notes academic misconduct?

You are not allowed to share your professor’s notes, without their permission. This is Unauthorized Use of Intellectual Property, which is a form of academic misconduct.

Is using StuDocu cheating?

StuDocu is an online learning platform where students share study resources such as lecture notes, summaries, and other valuable documents with each other. Sharing study notes universally isn’t a form of cheating and it isn’t a form of plagiarism.

How to earn money by selling study notes?

Sell your study documents on Stuvia and earn money with your knowledge! You earn money from each document you sell. This money will be added to your account instantly. Create a sellers account in under a minute, set the price for your documents and start uploading! How much does a seller earn at Stuvia?

How do you get paid for Nexus notes?

Nexus Notes excepts high-quality notes from any students, regardless of grades. The site’s experts look over your notes and then approve them for sale to help other students. Notes sell for $35 per set. When your notes are downloaded, you earn a 50% commission. Payments are received at the beginning of the month via PayPal.

How to get paid for selling quest notes?

If your notes are purchased, your money is deposited into your Paypal account immediately. Signing up is free and posting a listing is easy. Be sure to include a description and catchy title with your notes. When your notes sell, you earn 70% of the purchase price. 8. Quest Notes

How can I make money off my college notes?

Sell and share your summaries and notes to others Stuvia offers an easy and quick way to turn all your hard work into real cash during your busy student life. Also, your study material keeps its value for a long period of time, which enables you to make money off you old college notes and study guides after having graduated for years.

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