What is a UK BAP species?

What is a UK BAP species?

UK BAP priority species were those that were identified as being the most threatened and requiring conservation action under the UK Biodiversity Action Plan (UK BAP). The original list of UK BAP priority species was created between 1995 and 1999.

What is the BAP strategy?

What is a biodiversity action plan? According to UK Planning, a BAP is a strategy prepared for a local area aimed at conserving and enhancing biological diversity.

What is BAP in ecology?

A biodiversity action plan (BAP) is an internationally recognized program addressing threatened species and habitats and is designed to protect and restore biological systems. The original impetus for these plans derives from the 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

What is the UK post 2010 biodiversity Framework?

The UK Post-2010 Biodiversity Framework (July 2012) The Framework shows how the work of the four UK countries joins up with work at a UK level to achieve the ‘Aichi Targets’ and the aims of the EU Biodiversity Strategy.

What are Annex 1 habitats?

Annex I

  • Sea cliffs and shingle or stony beaches.
  • Atlantic and continental salt marshes and salt meadows.
  • Mediterranean and thermo-Atlantic salt marshes and salt meadows.
  • Salt and gypsum continental steppes.

What is a UK BAP priority habitat?

UK BAP Priority Habitats are a range of semi-natural habitat types that were identified as being the most threatened and requiring conservation action. The original Priority Habitat list was created between 1995 and 1999 and revised in 2007.

What does the UK BAP do?

The UK was the first country to produce a national biodiversity action plan. The UK BAP described the biological resources of the UK and provided detailed plans for conservation of these resources.

Why are habitats destroyed?

Habitat destruction by human activity is mainly for the purpose of harvesting natural resources for industry production and urbanization. Clearing habitats for agriculture is the principal cause of habitat destruction. Other important causes of habitat destruction include mining, logging, trawling and urban sprawl.

How many UK Biodiversity Action Plan priority species are in Fife?

This list contains 1149 species and 65 habitats that have been listed as priorities for conservation action under the UK Biodiversity Action Plan (UK BAP).

What are Annex II species?

Annex II species (about 900): core areas of their habitat are designated as sites of Community importance (SCIs) and included in the Natura 2000 network. These sites must be managed in accordance with the ecological needs of the species.

What habitats are protected in the UK?

Sites protected at a national level include National Nature Reserves, Marine Nature Reserves and Areas of Special Scientific Interest (ASSIs) in Northern Ireland or Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) in Scotland. Local Nature Reserves are protected statutorily at a local level.

How many species are on the UK BAP list?

The 2008 UK BAP reporting round: The 2008 UK BAP reporting round examined the 475 species which were placed on the original UK BAP list in 1997. For each species, information was provided on status, trends, successes, threats, constraints, and state of knowledge.

Are there priority species accounts in the UK?

Priority species accounts: In 2010, JNCC collated information, from a variety of sources, for all of the 1,150 species included on the UK BAP priority species list. For each species, a ‘species account’ was created from these collations.

How are species names listed in the UK?

Species are listed alphabetically by current scientific name. Additional information provided includes common names, and known occurrence in the four countries of the UK. Scientific names and commonly used synonyms were derived from the UK Species inventory project (formerly the Nameserver facility), managed by the Natural History Museum.

How many Haps and SAPs are there in the UK?

By 1995, 116 SAPs and 14 HAPs had been published in Tranche 1 of ‘Biodiversity: the UK Steering Group Report: Volume 2: Action Plans’. The remaining SAPs and HAPs were published in Tranche 2, which was divided into six volumes and published between 1998 and 1999:

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