Is it normal to have periods every 3/4 months?

Is it normal to have periods every 3/4 months?

Everyone’s period experience is slightly different, so you shouldn’t compare yourself to your friends. If you got your first period less than three years ago, irregularity is normal. If it’s been over three years, you should see a doctor. It could be a sign you have a condition like PCOS.

Is it normal to skip periods for 3 months?

While this is acceptable and healthy, it is not normal for a period to stop on its own without a reasonable explanation. It can signal something more serious when a woman fails to have a period over a three month period. The condition, known as amenorrhea, can happen in two different phases.

Is it normal to skip periods for 4 months?

And your period can also be late or absent for no real reason at all. If you continue to miss periods, you should see a health care provider. Six months or more of going without a period may indicate problems with hormones, the uterus, or the ovaries. So it’s important to get yourself checked out.

Why do I get my period after 4 months?

Having long periods frequently can indicate one of several potential conditions, such as endometriosis or uterine fibroids. A doctor can help diagnose and treat these conditions. Often, taking hormonal birth control pills or switching the type of hormonal medication can help people find relief.

Is it normal to get your period every 6 months?

Menstruation may be irregular at first, with as many as 6 months passing between periods. Most cycles are in the range of 21-45 days, although shorter or longer cycles may occur.

How long is too long for no period?

After 6 weeks without bleeding, you can consider your late period a missed period. Several things can delay your period, from basic lifestyle changes to chronic health conditions.

Can amenorrhea be cured?

Amenorrhea is usually the sign of a treatable condition. Once your provider figures out what’s causing missed periods, you can get care to regulate your cycle. You may need lifestyle changes or hormonal treatment to help resume normal menstrual cycles.

Why did I get my period after not having it for a year?

Postmenopausal bleeding is vaginal bleeding that occurs a year or more after your last menstrual period. It can be a symptom of vaginal dryness, polyps (noncancerous growths) or other changes in your reproductive system. In about 10% of women, bleeding after menopause is a sign of uterine cancer.

What is secondary amenorrhea?

Secondary amenorrhea refers to the absence of three or more periods in a row by someone who has had periods in the past. Pregnancy is the most common cause of secondary amenorrhea, although problems with hormones also can cause secondary amenorrhea. Treatment of amenorrhea depends on the underlying cause.

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