Should I warn Harkness or tell Zimmer?

Should I warn Harkness or tell Zimmer?

To get both rewards without risking Harkness’ memory, tell him who he is and ask what he plans to do about Zimmer. Before choosing any other dialogue option, offer to kill Zimmer. Harkness will hand the Lone Wanderer his trusty A3-21’s plasma rifle and the player character will earn good Karma.

Is Dr Zimmer a synth?

Background. The 58-year-old Dr. Zimmer is the head of the Synth Retention Bureau. That same year, Zimmer left the Commonwealth and journeyed south to the Capital Wasteland in search of a missing android.

Is Armitage a synth?

The most advanced synthetic humanoid I’ve ever developed. The others, like my escort Armitage there, are all older models. Easily replicated.”

Where is Sister Rivet?

Sister is a 29-year old slaver found in Rivet City in the year 2277.

Can’t tell Harkness He’s an android?

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Convince Harkness that he is an android. To do this, you need proof from either Pinkerton or Doctor Preston.
  2. Tell Zimmer that Harkness is the android.
  3. Show Zimmer the android component obtained from Victoria Watts and convince him the android is dead.

Where is Victoria Watts Fallout 3?

Rivet City
Victoria Watts

Biography and appearance
Affiliation The Railroad
Role Messenger
Location Rivet City
Dialogue File Victoria Watts’ dialogue

Is Mama Murphy a synth?

According to Fallout Shelter, Mama Murphy is a psychic. He serves as the primary antagonist of Fallout 4 unless the player character chooses to side with him. …

What weapons work best against synths?

Although synths are equipped with energy weapons they’re weak to energy themselves, being, as they are, mostly circuitry. Their armour can give some high radiation resistance, but strong ballistic damage and pulse explosives work too.

Where is the synth in Fallout 3?

the Capital Wasteland
Synths can range from early skeletal models to those nearly indistinguishable from human beings, save for a specific implanted component only discoverable after death. They are found in the Capital Wasteland in 2277 and in the Commonwealth and the Island in 2287.

Where is Danvers in Rivet City?

She can be found on the second or third level of the bridge tower. After 9 PM she works her night shift in the marketplace.

Where is Mei Wong?

She lives in the common room of Rivet City and can usually be found there or in the Rivet City market. Mei can sometimes be found outside, wandering the flight deck, near James Hargrave and C.J. Young’s baseball field.

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