What is the sentence of odds and ends?

What is the sentence of odds and ends?

Example sentences — I made this quilt out of some odds and ends from the linen closet. — I’ve got to finish a bunch of odds and ends before I leave the office tonight. — Just pack these odds and ends in this box over here.

What is the meaning of odds and ends in idioms?

Odds and ends are a mixture of different things, especially leftover or miscellaneous bits. Many people have a drawer in their kitchen full of all kinds of odds and ends. Odds and ends probably started out as odd ends in the sixteenth century, meaning “leftover pieces or lumber or cloth.”

How is idiom used in a sentence?

When someone says “beat around the bush” to describe not addressing an issue, they are using an idiom . Since the woman used a strange idiom , the young kids did not understand her. If you use an idiom , make sure that nobody takes it literally. An idiom is not a wise choice of words for a formal speech.

How do you frame a sentence using idioms?

Common Idioms in English

  1. Getting fired turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
  2. These red poppies are a dime a dozen.
  3. Don’t beat around the bush.
  4. After some reflection, he decided to bite the bullet.
  5. I’m going to call it a night.
  6. He’s got a chip on his shoulder.
  7. Would you cut me some slack? – Don’t be so hard on me.

What is the synonym of odds and ends?

Synonyms for odds and ends. etceteras, notion, novelties, sundries.

What are the odds meaning?

The odds are the chances that something will happen. If something strange happens people often say, “What were the odds of that?”, which means: “I can’t believe that happened. The odds were against it.”

Did some odds and ends?

Miscellaneous items, fragments and remnants, as in I’ve finished putting everything away, except for a few odds and ends. This expression may have originated as odd ends in the mid-1500s, meaning “short leftovers of some material” (such as lumber or cloth).

Do idioms sentences?

do for (someone or something) To cause someone or something’s collapse or ruin. After he betrayed me, I vowed to do for him and steal all of his major clients.

What is a synonym for odds?

likelihood, probability, chances, chance, balance. 2’the odds are in our favour’ advantage, lead, edge, superiority, supremacy, ascendancy.

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