Who killed most civilians in Afghanistan?

Who killed most civilians in Afghanistan?

Pro-Government Forces (PGFs) were responsible for 25 per cent of civilian casualties: 23 per cent by Afghan national security forces, and two per cent by pro-Government armed groups or undetermined PGFs.

How many British paratroopers have died in Afghanistan?

457 deaths
Over the last 20 years of deployment in Afghanistan there have been 457 deaths of UK armed forces personnel. The number of fatalities peaked during 2009 and 2010, when over 100 personnel were killed. Of the total 457 personnel who died whilst on deployment to Afghanistan 405 died because of hostile action.

How many Romanian soldiers died in Afghanistan?

27 Romanian soldiers
27 Romanian soldiers have been killed in action in Afghanistan, while at least 131 soldiers have been wounded in action.

How many Afghan civilians have been killed by U.S. forces?

ARM estimated that insurgents killed over 2,300 civilians, including 930 in suicide bombings, and that U.S.-led military forces killed over 1,620 civilians, with 1,100 civilians killed by U.S.-led NATO and coalition forces and 520 civilians killed by Afghan military forces.

How many civilians were killed by US drone strikes in Afghanistan?

The U.S. carried out 550 strikes (from all methods, not just drones), almost all of them in Operation Odyssey Lightning in 2016….Independent estimates.

Country Afghanistan
Minimum strikes 13,072
Civilians dead 300–909
Children dead 66–184
Total dead 4,126–10,076

How many UK died in Afghanistan?

British fatalities in Afghanistan Of these, 405 were killed as a result of hostile action. 49 are known to have died either as a result of illness, non-combat injuries or accidents, or have not yet officially been assigned a cause of death pending the outcome of an investigation.

How many Royal Marine commandos have died in Afghanistan?

The number of UK troops killed on operations in Afghanistan since 2001 stands at 136 after a Royal Marine from from 42 Commando was killed by enemy fire near Lashkar Gah in Helmand province on 24 December.

Who won Afghanistan War 2021?

War in Afghanistan (2001–2021)

Date 7 October 2001 – 30 August 2021 (19 years, 10 months, 3 weeks and 2 days) First phase: 7 October 2001 – 28 December 2014 Second phase: 1 January 2015 – 30 August 2021
Location Afghanistan
Result Taliban victory Panjshir conflict begins show First phase show Second phase

How many Finnish soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan?

Two Finnish soldiers were killed in Afghanistan, at least 11 soldiers have been wounded

How many British soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan?

One Belgian soldier was killed in Afghanistan, 14 soldiers have been wounded in action. As of 11 October 2015, the British forces have suffered 456 fatalities and 2,188 wounded in action, another 5,251 have suffered from disease or non-battle injuries.

How many Croatian soldiers have been wounded in Afghanistan?

Since November 2006, at least 9 Croatian soldiers have been wounded and injured in Afghanistan On 24 July 2019 three Croatian soldiers were wounded in a motorcycle suicide attack.

How many New Zealand soldiers have died in Afghanistan?

New Zealand Ten New Zealand Defence Force soldiers have died in Afghanistan, most while carrying out their duties as part of the Provincial Reconstruction Team in the Bamyan Province . Lieutenant Timothy O’Donnell was killed when his convoy was ambushed on a stretch of road in the Kahmard District of the province. [109]

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