Is it better to plead guilty to a DUI?

Is it better to plead guilty to a DUI?

It can come with advantages, however, such as a plea bargain – an arrangement with the prosecutor for lesser penalties than if you go to trial and are found guilty of a DUI by jury. As a general rule, it is best not to plead guilty as early as the arraignment hearing or plea hearing.

Is it better to say guilty or not guilty?

NOT GUILTY: means you formally deny committing the crime of which you are accused. If you plea Not Guilty, your case will proceed towards a trial where the State must prove you guilty of the crime. GUILTY: means you formally admit to committing the crime of which you are accused.

Why you should always plead not guilty?

It’s a good idea to always plead not guilty at arraignment because it simply provides you and your lawyer time to review the facts, the evidence and begin working to discredit the charges against you. If you plead guilty, you’re admitting to the crime. It’s not a question of whether you committed the crime.

What happens if you plead guilty or not guilty?

Pleading guilty to an offence means that you accept you have committed that offence. If you do not accept that you are guilty of the offence, then you should plead not guilty. This means that your case will then go to trial where the prosecution will seek to a prove that you are guilty.

When should you plead not guilty?

If you are arrested, exercise your right to remain silent, do not answer any questions, and do not accept any “deal” before you have met with and discussed your case with a criminal defense lawyer. If you are completely innocent of the crime that you are charged with, you should not plead guilty.

Is it perjury to plead not guilty?

Pleading not guilty at a preliminary hearing would not make it perjury, as you are not under any type of oath to speak the truth. In this case, if it were even close to perjury, you would have to testify against yourself. Then you would be under an oath to speak the truth.

What can DUI be reduced to?

Charge Reduction in California In California, there are two general charge reductions you might seek: a wet reckless driving charge or a dry reckless driving charge.

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