What does so near and yet so far mean?

What does so near and yet so far mean?

phrase. DEFINITIONS1. used for saying that you almost did something that you wanted to, but in the end you failed.

Who said so close yet so far away?

This term appeared in the Roman writer Martial’s Epigrams (ca. a.d. 85) but apparently did not enter the English language for some time. Tennyson used it in “In Memoriam” (1850): “He seems so near and yet so far.”

What is the most famous quote?

The Most Famous Quotes

  • “Fortune favors the bold.” – Virgil. Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.
  • “Time is money.” – Benjamin Franklin.
  • “I came, I saw, I conquered.” – Julius Caesar.
  • “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” – Elbert Hubbard.
  • “If you want to be happy, be.” – Leo Tolstoy.

What is the synonyms of near?

Synonyms for near. close, close-up, immediate, nearby, neighboring, next-door,

  • Words Related to near. abutting, adjacent, adjoining, bordering, contiguous. approaching,
  • Phrases Synonymous with near. at hand, to hand.
  • Near Antonyms for near. divorced, removed, separated.
  • Antonyms for near. away, deep, distant, far, faraway,
  • What figure of speech is so close yet so far?

    2) Antithesis When contrasting words or words that have opposite meanings are used near each other in a sentence, it is known as Antithesis. Contrasting ideas can also be termed as Antithesis. Examples: So near, yet so far.

    What is so close yet so far?

    You say so near and yet so far or so near yet so far to say that someone almost achieved what they wanted, but in the end just failed. It was a case of so near yet so far yesterday for Catriona Jones when she finished just one shot behind the tournament winner.

    How do you say very close?

    very close

    1. almost.
    2. generally.
    3. relatively.
    4. roughly.
    5. about.
    6. around.
    7. ballpark figure.
    8. circa.

    What means within reach?

    1 : close enough to be touched or picked up : nearby He kept a dictionary within reach. 2 : close enough to be achieved Victory was within reach.

    What is the meaning of so close?

    Almost about to do something or very near to something or doing something I was so close to winning= I almost won.

    What is irony in figure of speech?

    Irony is a figure of speech and one of the most widely- known literary devices, which is used to express a strong emotion or raise a point. As defined, Irony is the use of words to convey a meaning that is opposite of what is actually said.

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