What does link Alink and vlink mean?

What does link Alink and vlink mean?

Answer: Alink stands for active link while vlink stands for visited link. When the cursor is positioned on the hyperlinked text, the coloured. specified in alink attribute (red) is seen.

How do I link a vlink in HTML?

The HTML vlink Attribute is used to specify a color of a visited link in a Document. Attribute Values: color_name: It specifies the name of the color of the visited link. hex_number: It specifies the color of the visited link in terms of hex code.

Which attribute can be used to change the color of the links a link B Alink C vlink D all of these?

attribute is used to set the color of a link while it is active. Both vlink and alink attribute is used to set the color of a link while it is active.

What is the difference between vlink and Alink tag?

Alink stands for Active link. It is a link which has already been clicked and performed its function. It’s default colour is “Purple”. Vlink stands for Visited link.

What does Alink mean *?


Acronym Definition
ALINK Active Link (HTML)

How do you make a link not purple in HTML?

A purple link can be removed by overriding the default link styles in CSS. Specifically, a purple link indicates that the link has already been visited. So in order to change this style we must change the CSS :visited pseudo class.

What is vlink in HTML?

The vlink attribute stands for visited link in HTML. The vlink attribute specifies the color of visited links in a document and in our example the visited link color is set to red.

What does vlink attribute mean in HTML?

of visited links
The vlink attribute specifies the color of visited links in a document.

What are the use of Alink and vlink attributes in HTML?

Answer: The HTML vlink Attribute is used to specify a color of a visited link in a Document. color_name: It specifies the name of the color of the visited link. hex_number: It specifies the color of the visited link in terms of hex code.

What do you mean by Alink and vlink give example?

Brainly User. -alink stands for active link. -vlink stands for visited link. -Alink is link which a user can use only when he/she is online.

What is Alink in HTML?

Definition and Usage The alink attribute specifies the color of the active links for a page. When a link is activated (clicked), the color changes to indicate that the link has been activated. This is called an active link (or in this case, alink).

What is the default colour of Alink and VLink?

The default color of alink attribute is red. What is Alink and vlink? Answer: Alink stands for active link while vlink stands for visited link. When the cursor is positioned on the hyperlinked text, the coloured. specified in alink attribute (red) is seen.

What are the colors of a link in HTML?

LINK, VLINK, and ALINK. These attributes control the colors of the different link states: LINK – initial appearance – default = Blue. VLINK – visited link – default = Purple. ALINK – active link being clicked – default = Red. Many web developers will set the link colors of their documents to flow. with the color scheme of the site.

How is the VLink attribute used in HTML?

The HTML vlink Attribute is used to specify a color of a visited link in a Document. color_name: It specifies the name of the color of the visited link. hex_number: It specifies the color of the visited link in terms of hex code.

What are the colors of the active link?

The alink (active link) color appears while the mouse is clicking the link. The vlink (visited link) is the color of the link after the user has already visited it. By default, when no color is specified, most Web browsers will display links as blue, alinks as red, and vlinks as magenta.

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