What is a Level 2 question examples?

What is a Level 2 question examples?

*What happened to the baby porpoise in the flashback? *How does the man get “free?” Level Two questions can be answered after interpreting or analyzing text. They are inference-based.

What are second level questions?

Second-level questioning guides your prospects to analyze and further explain their responses to your first-level questions. They prompt prospects to think through their ideas or think through a situation. In fact, the best salespeople ask these questions more than any other level of question.

What is a Level 2 Costa question?

Level Two questions enable students to process information. They expect students to make sense of information they have gathered and retrieved from long-and short-term memory.

What are Level 1 questions examples?

Level #1 Questions: Example

  • With whom did Cinderella live?
  • What did Cinderella lose on the palace steps?
  • What were Cinderella’s slippers made out of?
  • How did Cinderella get to the ball?

What are leveled questions?

The Levels of Questions strategy helps students comprehend and interpret a text by requiring them to answer three types of questions about it: factual, inferential, and universal.

What is a leveled question?

Factual questions (level one) can be answered explicitly by facts contained in the text. Inferential questions (level two) can be answered through analysis and interpretation of specific parts of the text. Universal questions (level three) are open-ended questions that are raised by ideas in the text.

What are levels of questions?

What are some Level 3 questions?

Level 3 Questions: Example

  • Is there such a thing as “love at first sight”?
  • Does a woman need to marry a prince in order to find happiness?
  • Are we responsible for our own happiness?
  • What does it mean to live happily ever after?
  • Does good always overcome evil?

What is a Level 1 2 3 question?

Level 1 (the lowest level) requires one to gather information. Level 2 (the middle level) requires one to process the information. Level 3 (the highest level) requires one to apply the information. Prove your answer.

What is an example of an interpretive question?

Interpretive Question: An interpretive question has an answer that can be supported with evidence from the text. Sometimes people may answer differently, but the question could still be right as long as evidence supports the question. Examples: Why did Summer call her mom at the Halloween party?

How many words are in Level 2 English?

Level 2 is for intermediate students. In this level, we use 2000 most important words in spoken English. In our short news we mark every word which is from a higher level.

When to go to Level 2 in English?

What is Level 2. Level 2 is for intermediate students. In this level, we use 2000 most important words in spoken English. In our short news we mark every word which is from a higher level. When you understand all words in Level 2, you know 2000 words in English and it is time to go to Level 3.

What is Level 2 in English for intermediate students?

What is Level 2 Level 2 is for intermediate students. In this level, we use 2000 most important words in spoken English. In our short news we mark every word which is from a higher level.

When to use Level 3 questions in English?

Level 3 Questions are useful as… English Teachers love Level 3 Questions, but in the Social Studies we use them more carefully. Sometimes they’re more appropriate for discussions with your parents, pastors, or best friends. Other times they’re the most important questions there are.

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