What is the meaning of evaders?

What is the meaning of evaders?

Meaning of evader in English someone who avoids or escapes from something or someone: The US loses $70 billion annually to tax evaders. Some draft evaders managed to hide throughout the war.

What does evading you mean?

English Language Learners Definition of evade : to stay away from (someone or something) : to avoid (someone or something) : to avoid dealing with or facing (something)

What is the synonym of evade?

Some common synonyms of evade are avoid, elude, escape, eschew, and shun. While all these words mean “to get away or keep away from something,” evade implies adroitness, ingenuity, or lack of scruple in escaping or avoiding.

What are the examples of evasion?

Evasion is defined as avoiding or escaping a person or thing. An example of evasion is not paying income taxes for ten years. An example of evasion is purposely being in a different room from your ex-girlfriend at a party. The act or an instance of evading.

What is criminal justice evasion?

EVASION. A subtle device to set aside the truth, or escape the punishment of the law; as if a man should tempt another to strike him first, in order that he might have an opportunity of returning the blow with impunity. He is nevertheless punishable, because he becomes himself the aggressor in such a case.

What does it mean to spot an evasion?

the avoiding of an argument, accusation, question, or the like, as by a subterfuge: The old political boss was notorious for his practice of evasion. a means of evading; subterfuge; an excuse or trick to avoid or get around something: Her polite agreement was an evasion concealing what she really felt.

What does forlornly mean?

1a : bereft, forsaken left quite forlorn of hope. b : sad and lonely because of isolation or desertion : desolate a forlorn landscape. 2 : being in poor condition : miserable, wretched forlorn tumbledown buildings.

Can you evade someone?

If you evade something, you find a way of not doing something that you really ought to do. If you evade a question or a topic, you avoid talking about it or dealing with it. If you evade someone or something, you move so that you can avoid meeting them or avoid being touched or hit.

What is it called when you run away?

a person who runs away; fugitive; deserter.

What does no exclusion mean?

little or no possibility of something to happen.

What is felony tax evasion?

“Any person who willfully attempts in any manner to evade or defeat any tax imposed by this title or the payment thereof shall, in addition to other penalties provided by law, be guilty of a felony”

What is the meaning of the word evade?

Synonyms: evade, elude, avoid, eschew. These verbs mean to get or stay away from something or someone undesirable. Evade implies adroit maneuvering and sometimes suggests dishonesty or irresponsibility: tried to evade jury duty. To elude is to get away from artfully: eluded their pursuers.

Which is the best definition of the word evadable?

1. to escape or avoid by speed or agility: to evade one’s pursuers. 2. to get around by cleverness or trickery: to evade rules; to evade paying taxes. 3. to avoid doing or fulfilling: to evade an obligation. 4. to avoid answering directly: She evaded our questions by changing the subject.

What’s the meaning of the last name Evander?

A very rare and uncommon name throughout the world, very few have this name. evander is a someone to be very romantic and good at pleasing women. by Alamansr.

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