Where do you Auscultate your spleen?

Where do you Auscultate your spleen?

If the spleen cannot be seen, the left upper quadrant should be auscultated during inspiration. Both the maneuvers of inspection and auscultation are most efficiently incorporated into the initial part of the entire abdominal examination.

What is posterior to the spleen?

More precisely, the spleen is located posterior to the stomach and anterior to the left hemidiaphragm at the level of ribs 9-10. Medial to the spleen is the left kidney; superior is the diaphragm, while inferiorly it rests directly on the left colic flexure (splenic flexure).

What organs is the spleen connected to?

Although the spleen is connected to the blood vessels of the stomach and pancreas, it is not involved in digestion. The spleen contains two main regions of tissue called white pulp and red pulp.

Where is the spleen on the left side of the abdomen?

In massive splenomegaly, the spleen may be palpable up to 8 centimeters (about 3 inches) below the costal margin and extends medially towards the umbilicus (belly button). Pain on the side of the left upper quadrant of the abdomen should not be immediately attributed to the spleen.

Where is the spleen located in the lymphatic system?

Sitting in the upper left abdomen where it’s protected by the rib cage, the spleen is the largest organ of the lymphatic system, which plays an important role in immune function. Located just below the diaphragm and to the side of the lower portion of the stomach, this organ recycles old red blood cells and is a repository for platelets

Can a spleen be palpated below the costal margin?

When enlarged and extending below the costal margin, the spleen can be palpated on the anterolateral aspect of the abdomen and the superficially lying notched border makes it clearly discernible. However, as mentioned below under the causes of spleen pain, mild to moderate splenomegaly (enlarged spleen)…

Where are the three areas of impression found in the spleen?

Medial surface of the spleen shows three areas of impression. The colic area is the impression of the left colic flexure, the gastric area is the impression of the stomach, and the renal area is the impression of the left kidney. The splenic hilum is found in the central part of this surface.

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