Who are Cherrytail and Sharpclaw kits?

Who are Cherrytail and Sharpclaw kits?

Cherrytail and Sharpclaw became mates and had four kits, Hawkwing, Cloudmist, Blossomheart, and Duskpaw.

Who is Sharpclaw’s mate?

Sharpclaw became mates with Cherrytail, and the two of them had four kits: Blossomheart, Cloudmist, Hawkwing, and Duskpaw.

What happened to Leafstars kits?

A flood sweeps through the gorge, destroying the camp and drowning Lichenfur. Leafstar’s kits worry of another flood, and Leafstar learns that Billystorm plans to take them to his Twolegs. She banishes him, and later Leafstar’s kits go missing.

What is SkyClan known for?

The modern SkyClan is a Clan of cats with strongly built hind legs which allow them to jump great heights or distances inherited from their ancestors, ancient SkyClan.

Who is Billystorm warrior cats?

Billystorm is a long-furred ginger-and-white tom with leaf-green eyes and a broad face. Billystorm, also a kittypet named Billy, was a daylight-warrior of SkyClan. He initially mentored Snookpaw, and later, Pebblepaw.

Who is Cherryfall warrior cats?

Cherryfall is a ginger she-cat with amber eyes. Cherryfall is a ThunderClan warrior who has served under Bramblestar’s, the impostor’s, Squirrelflight’s, Lionblaze’s, and Graystripe’s leaderships in the lake territories. She was born as Cherrykit to Berrynose and Poppyfrost with her brother, Molekit.

Who was Feathertails mentor?

Mistystar was Feathertail’s mentor, and Feathertail deeply respects and trusts her.

Who is Leafstars father?

Jake is a plump, flame-colored ginger tom with soft, silky fur, pale leaf-green eyes, and a long-healed nick in one ear. He is also Firestar’s father.

Who gave Tigerstar his nine lives?

“Well,” he finally said. “Go on, I trust that Starclan will give you your nine lives Tigerstar.” Taking in a deep breath, Tigerstar paddled up to the glittering stone. He put his nose against it and shut his eyes tight.

What is the SkyClan symbol?

Symbol. The symbol depicts a cat head with a tree top in it. This makes sense because SkyClan climbs trees very well.

Does Hollyleaf have a mate?

Does Hollyleaf have a mate? Erin Hunters confirmed that Fallen Leaves and Hollyleaf did love each other. They mentioned that if they ever met up in Starclan they would become mates. Though being mates may not be possible, as mating in StarClan might not be an option, and Fallen Leaves was never a Clan cat.

What is Millie’s warrior name?

Graystripe’s Adventure My home is with you now, Graystripe. Wherever that may be.” Millie is a kittypet who befriends Graystripe, a warrior from ThunderClan who was captured. She becomes curious about Clan life, and Graystripe teaches her to hunt and fight.

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