What are the Dermatomes of the upper limb?

What are the Dermatomes of the upper limb?


Spinal Component Skin Distribution
C5 dermatome Lateral aspect of the upper extremities at and above the elbow
C6 dermatome The forearm and the radial side of the hand
C7 dermatome The middle finger
C8 dermatome The skin over the small finger and the medial aspect of each hand

What are the Dermatomes of the lower limb?

Dermatomes of the lower limb

  • L1: the inguinal region and the very top of the medial thigh.
  • L2: the middle and lateral aspect of the anterior thigh.
  • L3: the medial epicondyle of the femur.
  • L4: the medial malleolus.
  • L5: the dorsum of the foot at the third metatarsophalangeal joint.
  • S1: the lateral aspect of the calcaneus.

Which Dermatome landmark Innervates the knee?

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Nerve Root Dermatomes
L1 Back, over trochanter and groin
L2 Back, front of thigh to knee

What Dermatome is the thigh?

L2 – back, front of the thigh (quadriceps) to knee.

How many Dermatomes are in the upper limb?

Your dermatomes Your body has 30 dermatomes. You may have noticed that this is one less than the number of spinal nerves. This is because the C1 spinal nerve typically doesn’t have a sensory root.

Are dermatomes sensory or motor?

A dermatome is an area of skin in which sensory nerves derive from a single spinal nerve root (see the following image).

Which dermatome Innervates the posterior lateral leg?

2 What are the common dermatomes tested in an upper and lower quarter screening examination?

Spinal Root Dermatome (area of skin supplied by sensory neurons that arises from a dorsal root ganglion)
L4 Medial lower leg
L5 Lateral lower leg and dorsum of foot
S1 Posterior lateral thigh and lower leg and lateral foot

What is the difference between Dermatomes and cutaneous innervation?

The key difference between dermatome and cutaneous innervation is that the dermatome is an area of the skin that is innervated by a single spinal nerve. Meanwhile, the cutaneous innervation is an area of the skin innervated by a specific cutaneous nerve. Skin is the largest organ that we have.

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