Can bleomycin cause a fever?

Can bleomycin cause a fever?

Bleomycin can cause unusual pigmentation on the trunk consisting of linear streaks with crisscross patterns in 8-22% of patients. Fever and chills occur in approximately 50% of patients. These reactions usually occur starting a few hours after treatment, and may last up to 4-12 hours.

Which symptom is the patient who is receiving bleomycin?

Fever and chills. Skin reactions: redness, darkening of the skin, stretch marks on the skin, skin peeling, thickening of the skin, ulceration.

What is bleomycin toxicity?

Bleomycin is an antineoplastic agent with potential for producing pulmonary toxicity, attributed in part to its free radical-promoting ability. Clinical and research experiences have suggested that the risk of bleomycin-induced pulmonary injury is increased with the administration of oxygen.

Does bleomycin cause neurotoxicity?

Osmotic blood-brain barrier modification was used to increase delivery of bleomycin and 5-fluorouracil to the ipsilateral brain region, but the increased delivery was associated with evident neurotoxicity.

How can I reduce the side effects of bleomycin?

To decrease the risk, limit hot foods and drinks, brush your teeth carefully, avoid using mouthwash that contains alcohol, and rinse your mouth frequently with cool water. Bleomycin can commonly cause skin reactions (e.g., redness, itching, blisters, rash, swelling), usually in the second or third week of treatment.

How long does it take for bleomycin to work?

A total of 82 (96.47%) of the 85 warts treated with intralesional bleomycin in a dosage of 1 mg/mL in group A showed complete resolution after one or two injections within 12 weeks. The response in periungual warts was 100%, while the response in palmo-plantar warts was 96.10% [Table 2].

Is bleomycin toxicity reversible?

Although bleomycin pulmonary toxicity is thought to be dose-related, recent reports have emphasized severe reactions at low doses. Furthermore, severe pulmonary toxicity has been suggested to be progressive, irreversible, and ultimately, fatal.

What does bleomycin do to the lungs?

The lung injury seen following bleomycin comprises an interstitial oedema with an influx of inflammatory and immune cells. This may lead to the development of pulmonary fibrosis, characterized by enhanced production and deposition of collagen and other matrix components.

What kind of drug is bleomycin?

BLEOMYCIN (blee oh MYE sin) is a chemotherapy drug. It is used to treat many kinds of cancer like lymphoma, cervical cancer, head and neck cancer, and testicular cancer. It is also used to prevent and to treat fluid build-up around the lungs caused by some cancers.

What are the long term effects of bleomycin?

The chemo drug bleomycin can damage the lungs, as can radiation therapy to the chest. This can lead to problems like shortness of breath, which might not show up until years after treatment. Smoking can also seriously damage the lungs, so it’s important that people who have had these treatments do not smoke.

Does bleomycin cause fatigue?

This is rare and only mild when it occurs with bleomycin. All of your blood counts will be monitored regularly throughout treatment. fatigue, chest pain, shortness of breath, or dizziness.

Are there any side effects to taking bleomycin?

The following side effects are common (occurring in greater than 30%) for patients taking bleomycin: These side effects are less common side effects (occurring in about 10-29%) for patients receiving bleomycin: Poor appetite and weight loss. Occasionally this can cause radiation recall effect. (see skin reactions)

When does skin toxicity develop after bleomycin treatment?

Skin toxicity is a relatively late manifestation, usually developing in the 2nd and 3rd week of treatment, after a cumulative dose of 150 to 200 units. [ Ref]

Is it normal to lose hair after bleomycin?

Bleomycin may cause a temporary loss of hair in some people. After treatment has ended, normal hair growth should return, although it may take several months. Side effects that affect your lungs (for example, cough and shortness of breath) may be more likely to occur if you smoke.

Is it safe to breast feed while taking bleomycin?

Barrier methods of contraception, such as condoms, are recommended. Discuss with your doctor when you may safely become pregnant or conceive a child after therapy. Do not breast feed while taking bleomycin. For flu-like symptoms, keep warm with blankets and drink plenty of liquids.

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