How do you use stipulation?

How do you use stipulation?

This stipulation might put some sort of limit on the agreement. For example, if you run a fencing company and offer a sale, you can stipulate that to get the sale price, the fence must be ordered by a certain date. Your customer, in turn, might stipulate that the work must be finished before the ground freezes.

What does stipulation mean in legal terms?

1) An agreement between the parties to a lawsuit. For example, if the parties enter into a stipulation of facts, neither party will have to prove those facts: The stipulation will be presented to the jury, who will be told to accept them as undisputed evidence in the case.

How do you use stipulation in a sentence?

1. The only stipulation the building society makes is that house must be insured. 2. He left all his money to the town with the stipulation that it should be used to build a new football stadium.

What does stipulation mean in real estate?

In its simplest definition, a Stipulation Agreement, is a legally binding contract between opposing parties in which they agree to the truth regarding some matter without having to provide proof.

What does no stipulations mean?

The words “No Stipulation” mean that the particular document imposes no. requirements related to that section.

What are your stipulations?

1 : an act of stipulating. 2 : something stipulated especially : a condition, requirement, or item specified in a legal instrument. Other Words from stipulation Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More About stipulation.

Are stipulations enforceable?

A valid stipulation is binding only on the parties who agree to it. Courts are usually bound by valid stipulations and are required to enforce them. Parties may stipulate to any matter concerning the rights or obligations of the parties.

Why are stipulations used?

Using stipulations, they can help the judge and jury better understand the questions left to answer. When this happens, the parties will often agree to a number of facts about a case in advance of the trial and submit these stipulations in writing. They can also make stipulations during the court proceedings.

What is the meaning of stipulation?

stipulate \STIP-yuh-layt\ verb. 1 : to make an agreement or covenant to do or forbear something : contract. 2 : to demand an express term in an agreement. 3 : to specify as a condition or requirement (as of an agreement or offer)

Which best defines stipulations?

The definition of a stipulation is a condition or term in an agreement, or the act of creating conditions and terms. An example of a stipulation is a clause in a contract promising a certain amount of money for extra labor performed. The act of stipulating.

How do you enter stipulations at trial?

How to Enter Stipulations at Trial

  1. Notify the judge of the stipulation. Attorneys inform the judge that they’ve agreed to stipulate to certain facts or to a particular witness’s testimony.
  2. Describe the content of stipulation.
  3. The judge will confirm.
  4. Ask the judge to have the stipulation read to the jury.

What does signing a stipulation mean?

Overview of a Stipulation & Order A “stipulation” is an agreement between two parties that is submitted to the judge for approval. It eliminates the need to go to court and have a judge decide an issue. Once signed by the judge, the agreement becomes a legally binding “order.”

Which is the best definition of a non stipulation?

A stipulation is an agreement or concession, usually on a procedural matter such as extending the time for a filing, between opposing parties or their attorneys in a legal action. A non-stipulation is a formal lack of agreement by a party.

When to file a notice of non-stipulation?

The notice of non-stipulation by a plaintiff must be filed with the Clerk of the Court within ten 10) days after the filing of the cases and assignment to a magistrate for all purposes, or if by a defendant, within ten (10) days after filing the first pleading.

Where does the word stipulation come from in English?

Word Origin and History for stipulation. Traditionally said to be from Latin stipula “straw,” in reference to some obscure symbolic act; this is rejected by most authorities, who, however, have not come up with a better guess. Meaning “act of specifying one of the of a contract or agreement” is recorded from 1750.

Is the stipulation that AI cannot talk to the media?

The stipulation likely to be most widely felt is what experts are calling an effective shutdown of medication abortions. The stipulation that Ai cannot talk to media is part of what technically is called “obtaining a guarantee pending a trial”. And any stipulation on how to spend the money is unlikely this time around, too.

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