Is there a lot of crime in Nassau Bahamas?

Is there a lot of crime in Nassau Bahamas?

Country Summary: The vast majority of crime occurs on New Providence (Nassau) and Grand Bahama (Freeport) islands. In Nassau, exercise caution in the “Over the Hill” area (south of Shirley Street). Violent crime, such as burglaries, armed robberies, and sexual assault occur, but generally not in tourist areas.

What is the murder count in Nassau Bahamas?

In 2019, the total number of people murdered in the Bahamas amounted to 95, up from 91 murders reported a year earlier….Number of murders in the Bahamas from 2012 to 2019.

Characteristic Number of victims
2019 95
2018 91
2017 122
2016 111

What’s the crime rate in the Bahamas?

Bahamas: homicide rate 2010-2017 In 2017, there were approximately 32 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants in the Bahamas, up from a homicide rate of 29.4 registered a year earlier. Over 100 people die as a result of intentional homicide in this Caribbean country every year.

Is Nassau Safe 2020?

OVERALL RISK : MEDIUM. The city of Nassau isn’t too safe to visit with its high murder rate, but if you apply safety and precaution measures, it should minimize the risk of getting hurt.

Is crime bad in The Bahamas?

Is the Bahamas Dangerous? While safety has improved in the Bahamas, there is still some violent crime, mainly in Nassau and the island of Grand Bahama, which includes the city of Freeport. As in many cities, armed robberies, burglaries, sexual assault, and other violent crimes take place, along with purse snatchings.

What is the safest part of The Bahamas?

Safest Islands in the Bahamas

  • The Berry Islands.
  • Cat Island.
  • Crooked Island.
  • Eleuthera.
  • The Exumas.
  • Harbour Island.
  • Long Island.
  • San Salvador.

How bad is crime in the Bahamas?

U.S. Department of State. “The Bahamas Travel Advisory.” June 16,2021. “COVID-19 Travel Update.”

Is crime bad in the Bahamas?

What is the safest island in the Bahamas?

Any of the outislands of the Bahamas would be very safe. Harbour Island would probably be at the top of that list, as would Cat Island, The Abacos , Eleuthera and Long Island.

Are the Bahamas safe for Americans?

The Bahamas is safe to travel for families. This group of islands may seem more of a “luxury” destination than anything else, but there are a fair few family-friendly hotels where you could base you and your family for your own slice of Caribbean sun.

How safe is it to travel to the Bahamas?

Safe Travel Tips. Bahamas safety is achievable for tourists, as long as they take the time to become familiar with potential threats and use the proper precautions. Travelers can avoid petty crimes such as pickpocketing and credit card fraud, for example, by keeping valuables well-hidden and keeping an eye on their credit cards at all times.

Is Bahamas dangerous?

The Bahamas has more than 700 islands, with about two dozen of these inhabited, so it’s hard to generalize about crime and safety from one place to the next. Statistically, Nassau is the most dangerous place in the Bahamas, followed by Grand Bahama.

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