What is a menopause power surge?

What is a menopause power surge?

First, let’s agree to call these “power surges.” According to the informational website 34 Menopause Symptoms, as many of 85% of menopausal women have power surges, which manifest as “sudden, transient sensation of warmth or heat that spreads over the body creating a flushing (redness) particularly noticeable on the …

What do hormonal surges feel like?

Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance Bloating, fatigue, irritability, hair loss, palpitations, mood swings, problems with blood sugar, trouble concentrating, infertility — these are just a few symptoms of hormone imbalance. These compounds affect every cell and system in the body.

Why do I feel so ill during menopause?

Nausea is a possible symptom of menopause that may be caused by changes in your hormones. It may also be a side effect of hot flashes or HRT. Not everyone will experience nausea while going through menopause.

Can menopause cause facial twitching?

Takeaways. Menopause or perimenopause do not, via a direct pathway, cause muscles to twitch. The anxiety that comes with these changes, however, are most likely the cause. Magnesium deficiency, dehydration and rigorous exercise can also cause twitching muscles.

Is muscle spasm a symptom of menopause?

Muscle pain and spasm are common in menopause and yet can be a complex problem to solve. If you are experiencing any pain which does not resolve after a couple of weeks or spasms which keep happening, talk to your doctor.

What are the signs and symptoms of menopause?

1 Hot flashes, flushes, night sweats and/or cold flashes, clammy feeling (related to increased activity in the autonomic / sympathetic nervous system). 2 Bouts of rapid heartbeat (related to increased activity in the autonomic / sympathetic nervous system) 3 Irritability. 4 Mood swings, sudden tears.

What to do for fatigue and menopause symptoms?

There are various vitamins, such as those in the “B” family, that can help with fatigue as well. Also, increased amounts of vitamin C. The Recommendations page lists numerous vita-nutrients that can be useful in treating fatigue and other symptoms associated with perimenopause.

What kind of progesterone should I take for menopause?

Power Surge recommends only naturally compounded, bio-identical hormones. Naturally compounded estrogen and progesterone supplementation doses can be individually adjusted to suit each woman’s needs.

Why do I get hot flashes during menopause?

Without becoming too, technical, messages are sent to the hypothalmus because of declining estrogen production via neurons which result in vasodilation — widening of the lumen of blood vessels (lumen being the cavity of a tubular organ, i.e., the lumen of a blood vessel,) which, in turn, causes flushing or hot flashes.

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