How long does Charentais melon take to grow?

How long does Charentais melon take to grow?

70-90 days
Charentais melons typically take 70-90 days to mature. Some companies that sell the plant recommend only allowing three melons to grow on each vine at one time to get the best fruit. Once you pick the mature fruit, the vines will produce more.

How do you grow a Charentais melon?

Sow the charentais seeds along the base of the trellis, spacing the seeds 36 to 48 inches apart and planting them one-half inch deep. Water the soil thoroughly after planting, so the top 6 inches is moist. Seeds typically germinate in 3 to 10 days.

Is Charentais a cantaloupe?

‘Charentais’ is a type of true cantaloupe bred in France around 1920. It has deep orange flesh and a spicy, delicate aroma.

What can you not plant near melons?

Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, kale, okra, spinach, sunflowers, lettuce, and Brussels sprouts also flourish in the companionship of melons. Avoid planting melons with potatoes. Marigolds – Adding a splash of brilliant color, marigolds are “great neighbors” to most any vegetable crop, especially melons.

How do you know when a Charentais melon is ripe?

A ripe Charentais melon should smell sweet and aromatic, not be too firm but have a bit of give when gently pressed. It should preferably be stored on the kitchen bench and consumed within a day or two of purchase. It will ripen relatively quickly so to ensure the best eating quality, don’t store too long.

What does Charentais mean?

: a small muskmelon with a distinct fragrance and sweet orange flesh that is grown chiefly in France.

What happens if you plant watermelons too close together?

Spaced properly, watermelons will thrive. When placed too close together, they will overlap and cause problems for the surrounding fruit plants. Each plant will spread in a circle of around 4 feet. The vine that’s on top will soak up the needed sunlight, leaving the vines below to wither.

How much space do melons need?

Melons need room to roam. Space plants 36 to 42 inches apart. Or, to save space, plant melons 12 inches apart at the base of a trellis. When trellising melons, tie vines to the trellis daily, using soft plant ties that won’t crush stems.

What does Charentais melon taste like?

Their flesh is firmer and richer than your average cantaloupe, and the flavor is pretty much unsurpassed: sweet, with an even – but not overpowering – musky note and smooth texture. This complexity makes Charentais an ideal melon for pairing with other ingredients.

Do melons ripen after picking?

Do melons ripen after they are picked? Once picked, melons no longer get sweeter or tastier, so it is worth seeking ones out that ripened fully on the vine. As with most fruit, melons are picked before they fully ripen to give them more time and durability for transportation to grocery stores.

Where are Charentais melons from?

Southeastern France
Charentais melons are native to Southeastern France, specifically the fields around the town of Cavaillon.

What kind of melon is a Charentais melon?

A Charentais melon is a type of cantaloupe melon, Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis . It is a small variety of melon, similar in flesh to cantaloupes, but with a more fragrant smell. It was developed in western France around 1920 as a more refined cantaloupe.

What’s the best way to grow Charentais melons?

All you have to do is to scoop out the seeds and pop them into a little mason jar with some water. I like to cover the top with a piece of paper towel or toilet paper and write the type of seed and date on it. Then just secure it with a mason jar ring. Let them sit for about 2 days so that they can ferment.

Is there A Charentais melon Brotherhood in Cavaillon?

Cavaillon is also home to the Confrerie des Chevaliers de l’Ordre du Melon de Cavaillon, a unique brotherhood established in 1988 that is dedicated to protecting the quality of the Charentais melon.

Where do they celebrate Charentais melon in France?

In Southeastern France, Charentais melons are annually celebrated at the world-famous Feria du Melon a Cavaillon, or the Melon Fair of Cavaillon.

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