What is a DOS line break?

What is a DOS line break? Linebreaks are special characters with an historic origin in typewriters. For certain reasons, DOS-like systems, such as Microsoft Windows, use a sequence of two invisible characters to indicate a linebreak within a file. What is a break in a line of poetry called? There are two types of poetic […]

How do you know if your child has Salmonella?

How do you know if your child has Salmonella? What Are the Signs & Symptoms of Salmonella Infection? nausea and vomiting. abdominal cramps. diarrhea (sometimes bloody) fever. headache. What causes bloody mucus stool in children? Bloody, slimy or mucusy stool may be a sign of infection. It may also mean inflammation of the large intestine […]

What does slim mean on Havaianas?

What does slim mean on Havaianas? Havaianas Slim have slightly thinner straps and narrower soles in comparison to other regular Havaianas models. Are all Havaianas Slim fit? Weirdly enough, there aren’t any specific Havaianas wide fit nor slim fit ones, although the names of some of the models may lead you to think differently. How […]

Is Veritas Prep good for GMAT?

Is Veritas Prep good for GMAT? The Veritas Prep class is phenomenal. The amount of confidence you developed by taking the Veritas Prep class is second to none. You know you did more problems, you took more practice tests, and you had more in class instruction than any of your peers. The Veritas Prep system […]

What does delivery fleet mean?

What does delivery fleet mean? What is an Internal Delivery Fleet? Having an internal delivery fleet means operating a delivery service independently by using a dedicated in-house staff and a private fleet of vehicles to deliver all products or services to customers. It gives you complete control over how you operate and manage the delivery […]

Who is Rip trippers and what does he do?

Who is Rip trippers and what does he do? RiP Trippers was born on 12 July 1983, in the United States of America, and is a YouTube personality, best known for dedicating his channel towards vaping. He creates videos informing and educating his viewers about vaping, and also reviews products being released onto the market. […]

What is an example of specific identification method?

What is an example of specific identification method? The specific identification method is used to track individual items of inventory. This method is applicable when individual items can be clearly identified, such as with a serial number, stamped receipt date, bar code, or RFID tag. What is the specific identification approach? The primary drawback to […]

What does the prophet say about hijab?

What does the prophet say about hijab? Hijab and prayer Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu’minin: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Allah does not accept the prayer of a woman who has reached puberty unless she wears a veil. It is well accepted by most scholars that while praying, women must cover everything except the […]

Is there a 12 hour antihistamine?

Is there a 12 hour antihistamine? Allegra Tablets start working in one hour to give you relief from your worst allergy symptoms, such as sneezing, runny nose, itchy and watery eyes, and itchy nose or throat. Each allergy pill provides 12 hours of relief; take up to two pills daily. Which antihistamine is the most […]

How do I ignore multiple strings in grep?

How do I ignore multiple strings in grep? To ignore the case when searching, invoke grep with the -i option. If the search string includes spaces, you need to enclose it in single or double quotation marks. You can use the -e option as many times as you need. Another option to exclude multiple search […]

What is an example of a smart short term goal?

What is an example of a smart short term goal? A short-term goal is any goal you can achieve in 12 months or less. Some examples of short-term goals: reading two books every month, quitting smoking, exercising two times a week, developing a morning routine, etc. What are some short term career goals? Here are […]

What is a sentence for Although?

What is a sentence for Although? Although Sentence Examples Certainly this could happen, although the odds are remote. Although she was far away, she could see that he was watching her. Although she was exhausted, sleep didn’t come. Although his father was a king, Cyrus was brought up like the son of a common man. […]

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