What are the stages of career development?

What are the stages of career development?

The 6 Stages of Career Development

  • Stage 1: Assessment. For most people, this stage begins after they graduate from college.
  • Stage 2: Investigation. At this stage, you start to become more aware of all of the options available to you.
  • Stage 3: Preparation.
  • Stage 4: Commitment.
  • Stage 5: Retention.
  • Stage 6: Transition.

What are the five stages of career development?

These stages are exploration, establishment, mid-career, late career and decline.

  • Exploration.
  • Establishment.
  • Mid-career.
  • Late career.
  • Decline.

What is career development PDF?

Abstract. Career development is an imperative area for every individual and it is. considered to be a lifelong process; an individual begins his career with education, after attainment of good education and literacy skills, he looks for employment. opportunities or jobs in order to make his career a success.

Which stage of career constitutes early career and adulthood reappraise and individuals have the option to reaffirm or modify their career goals?

STAGE 4: Mid-career Typical Age Range: 40-55 Major Tasks: Reappraise early career and early adulthood, reaffirm or modify goals, make choices appropriate to middle adult years, remain productive in work.

What are the 4 stages of career development?

Career development is an ongoing process consisting of four main recurring steps: self knowledge, exploration, decision-making, and action.

What are 4 career stages?

It consists of four stages: Career Awareness, Career Exploration, Career Preparation, and Career Placement.

What is Holland’s theory?

Holland asserts that people of the same personality type working together in a job create an environment that fits and rewards their type. Within this theory there are six basic types of work environment, which correlate directly to the personality types.

Why do we need OJT?

The importance of on the job training On-the-job training allows employees to gain experience working in situations very similar to those they’ll encounter on a daily basis. Employees will use the same tools and equipment they need for their job while being guided by an experienced trainer.

What are the four basic career development theories?

These five theories are (a) Theory of Work-Adjustment, (b) Holland’s Theory of Vocational Personalities in Work Environment, (c) the Self-concept Theory of Career Development formulated by Super and more recently by Savickas, (d) Gottfredson’s Theory of Circumscription and Compromise, and (e) Social Cognitive Career …

What is the concept of career development?

Career development is the process of managing life, learning and work over the lifespan. It applies to everyone: children think about what they want to do as adults and start to form ideas about work and adult life during their early childhood development.

What is a career stage?

Career stages are the various phases through which an employee or a business professional goes through while working through the overall tenure of the career. These stages often derive the overall job satisfaction levels of a person throughout the tenue of the job or career.

What is career management PPT?

Career managementCareer management is the process through which employees: Become aware of their own interests, values, strengths, and weaknesses Obtain information about job opportunities within the company Identify career goals Establish action plans to achieve career goals.

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