How long does it take to thru hike the CDT?

How long does it take to thru hike the CDT?

Most thru hikers will take 5 months to hike the Continental Divide Trail. Faster hikers who have completed other thru hikes and are confident in their ability and use ultra lightweight gear will complete the trail in 4 months.

How many people have hiked CDT?

More than 1,000 thru-hikers completed both the AT and PCT in 2019 compared to 150 completing the CDT, a reflection of the isolation and difficulty in hiking the CDT.

How much money do you need to hike the CDT?

How Much Does It Cost to Hike the CDT? Most people report spending $5,000-$8,000+ thru-hiking the Continental Divide Trail. On average, hiking the CDT requires about $1,000 a month, and the trail takes around five to six months to complete.

Has anyone died on the CDT?

The CDT has a reputation for being more challenging than the Pacific Crest Trail and the Appalachian Trail, but that is something hikers can quickly forget once they’re wrapped up in planning their next great adventure. …

Do you need permits to hike the CDT?

Permits. There is no long-distance permit that covers the CDT, and long-distance travelers are responsible for acquiring all required permits for the areas you’ll be traveling through.

Do I need a permit to hike the CDT?

How much does the CDT cost?

As you can see, while some thru-hikers are able to spend as little as $700 a month on the trail, others spend upward of $1,300 per month. While this all really depends on your personal hiking style, on average, CDT thru-hikers spend about $1000 a month while on the trail.

How long does it take to walk the PCT?

The trail is 2,650 miles and it generally takes the entire snow-free season to walk. That’s about 5 months. Elite athletes who are experienced on the PCT have finished the trail in as little as two months. The few who achieve sub-100 day hikes average well over 30 miles per day.

Can you carry a gun on the Pacific Crest Trail?

Carrying firearms is generally discouraged They could be turned against you or result in an accidental shooting and they are extra weight most PCT hikers find unnecessary. Horseback riders may consider firearms to put down injured and sick animals.

Are bear canisters required on the CDT?

Well, it’s basically a bear-proof (and rodent-proof) food sack. It’s not approved for use in Yosemite which means it’s no good on the PCT, but on the CDT there aren’t any requirements for bear canisters so the Ursack is fair game.

Is the CDT well marked?

In general, it is known for being a rather wild, remote and unfinished thru-hike, requiring many exploring and surviving skills to be completed. Indeed, it’s not always so well marked and that’s why, as we will see, it requires extra studying.

Where is the Continental Divide Trail?

The Continental Divide National Scenic Trail (in short Continental Divide Trail (CDT)) is a United States National Scenic Trail running 3,100 miles (5,000 km) between Mexico and Canada. It follows the Continental Divide of the Americas along the Rocky Mountains and traverses five U.S.

What is the Continental Divide Trail?

Continental Divide Trail. Jump to navigation Jump to search. The Continental Divide National Scenic Trail (in short Continental Divide Trail (CDT)) is a United States National Scenic Trail running 3,100 miles (5,000 km) between Mexico and Canada.

Where is the Continental Divide in Colorado?

The Continental Divide in the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains of north central Colorado, taken from the International Space Station on October 28, 2008. The Continental Divide begins at Cape Prince of Wales , Alaska, the westernmost point on the mainland of the Americas.

Where is the Continental Divide in Mexico?

The continental divide runs from northwestern Canada along the crest of the Rocky Mountains to New Mexico. Then, it follows the crest of Mexico’s Sierra Madre Occidental and along the Andes Mountains through South America.

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