What is the difference between result oriented and act oriented approach to ethics?

What is the difference between result oriented and act oriented approach to ethics?

Duty-based ethics are based on the idea that a behavior is right because of the feeling of responsibility to do the right thing, no matter what the cost — doing the right thing because it is the “right thing to do.” Results-based ethics, on the other hand, are based on the belief that a behavior should be executed …

What is a duty-based approach to ethics?

Duty-based ethics are usually what people are talking about when they refer to ‘the principle of the thing’. Duty-based ethics teaches that some acts are right or wrong because of the sorts of things they are, and people have a duty to act accordingly, regardless of the good or bad consequences that may be produced.

What are the 3 approaches to morality?

There are three major ethical approaches that managers might use in making an ethical choice – a utilitarian or consequence approach, a negative or positive rights approach, or a virtue-based ethical reasoning approach. Here is a description of the three approaches and the advantages and disadvantages of each one.

Why is deontology good?

deontological ethics, in philosophy, ethical theories that place special emphasis on the relationship between duty and the morality of human actions. In deontological ethics an action is considered morally good because of some characteristic of the action itself, not because the product of the action is good.

How do duty based ethical standards differ from outcome based ethical standards?

Whats the difference between duty-based ethic standards and outcome-based ethical standards? Duty-based ethics means that the intent of an action is what should be judged as morally good or bad. Outcome-based ethics means that the outcome of an action is what should be judged as morally good or bad.

What are character based ethics?

Character-based ethics are also referred to as “virtue ethics.” The focus of virtue ethics is the determination of what makes a person, or character, good rather than what makes an action good. Virtue ethics argue that a good person consistently performs good actions.

What are the approaches in ethics?

From the earliest moments of recorded human consciousness, the ethical discipline has exhibited four fundamental “approaches” These four approaches are often called “ethical decision-making frameworks:” Utilitarian Ethics (outcome based), Deontological Ethics (duty based), Virtue Ethics (virtue based) and Communitarian …

What are the different approaches to ethics?

What are the consequences of results based ethics?

results-based ethics is only interested in the consequences of an act the intentions of the person doing the act are irrelevant so an act with good results done by someone who intended harm is as good as if it was done by someone who intended to do good the past actions of the person doing the act are irrelevant

How to distinguish between duty-based and results-oriented ethics?

Consider whether or not the behavior is the result of a specific belief. Duty-based ethics follow the rules of Deontologist morals, whereas results-based ethics do not. These morals include ideas like the wrongness of killing the innocent, stealing and telling lies.

Which is the best approach to ethical values?

A utilitarian approach of ethical values looks at the choices for taking certain decisions in light of the results of doing one thing against the other. This kind of approach requires that one decides what course of action ought to be done by evaluating the consequence of each action.

Which is the best framework for ethical conduct?

In the Duty framework, we focus on the duties and obligations that we have in a given situation, and consider what ethical obligations we have and what things we should never do. Ethical conduct is defined by doing one’s duties and doing the right thing, and the goal is performing the correct action.

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