What is the Dok levels in science?

What is the Dok levels in science?

Four levels of Depth-of-Knowledge are used for this analysis.” Norman Webb’s “Depth-of- Knowledge Levels for Four Content Areas” include: Language Arts (Reading, Writing), Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.

What does Dok mean in science?

Depth of Knowledge
Recall and Reproduction – Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Level 1 Recall and Reproduction requires recall of information, such as a fact, definition, term, or a simple procedure, as well as. performing a simple science process or procedure.

What is the Dok wheel?

The DOK/RBT Wheel provides quick-and-easy access to two critical thinking models, one on each side of the wheel. Assess thinking across the curriculum and measure student progress. Help students transfer learning to new and real-world situations. Build students’ abilities to reflect on and assess their learning.

What Dok level is explain?

The DOK level should reflect the complexity of cognitive processes demanded by the learning or assessment objective and task, rather than its difficulty. Ultimately, the DOK level describes the depth of understanding required by a task, not whether or not the task is considered “difficult.”

What is Webb’s Dok?

Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DOK) provides a vocabulary and a frame of reference when thinking about our students and how they engage with the content. DOK offers a common language to understand “rigor,” or cognitive demand, in assessments, as well as curricular units, lessons, and tasks.

What are the 4 Dok levels?

Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DoK)

  • Level 1 (Acquired knowledge) involves recall and reproduction. Remembering facts or defining a procedure.
  • Level 2 (Knowledge Application) are skills and concepts.
  • Level 3 (Analysis) involves strategic thinking.
  • Level 4 (Augmentation) is extended thinking.

What does Dok 2 mean?

Level Two Activities Solve routine multiple-step problems. Describe the cause/effect of a particular event. Identify patterns in events or behavior. Formulate a routine problem given data and conditions.

Why is Dok important?

Depth of Knowledge or DOK is important for instructors and assessment creators to consider in order to fully understand student expectations in a given assessment. By breaking down and distinguishing between the level of thought, or DoK required for each question, educators can further pinpoint student comprehension.

What are the four levels of Dok?

What is depth of knowledge DoK?

Depth of knowledge (DOK) refers to the level of understanding required to answer a question or perform an activity. This concept is most often applied to the thinking that students do during assessment and other standards-driven evaluation.

What is a Dok 4 question?

DOK 4 would most likely be the writing of a research paper or applying information from one text to another text to develop a persuasive argument. • DOK 4 requires time for extended thinking.

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