What are the 3 types of civilizations?

What are the 3 types of civilizations?

The initial scale had three types of civilizations:

  • Type I Civilization: Can use and store all energy available on its planet.
  • Type II Civilization: Can use and store all energy at the scale of its planetary system.
  • Type III Civilization: Can control energy at the scale of its entire host galaxy.

What is a Type 4 civilization?

A Type IV civilization, or K4 civilization harnesses the power of its own supercluster of galaxies, and eventually its universe of origin, and become effectively immortal. A civilization this advanced could tap into the mysterious dark matter and manipulate the basic fabric of spacetime.

What is a Type 6 Civilisation?

A Type VI or K6 civilization exists in the megaverse and is capable of creating and maintaining the fundamental laws of universes. They exist in an infinite amount of simultaneously existing multiverses that represent an infinite amount of instances and all laws of physics.

What is a Type 12 civilization?

A Type XII civilization ascends the ranks of the Afterlife and exist on higher planes outside reality. Their ultimate goal is to join the supreme beings at the highest level of the Afterlife.

What is a Type 0 civilization?

A Type 0 Civilization, as you can imagine, is one that has not yet been able to harness all the energy of its home planet. It is, therefore, a sub-global one that harnesses power from raw materials. They do not yet have the ability to leave their home planet but are making steady progress towards it.

What is a Type 19 civilization?

Edit. A Type XIX civilization exists on the highest planes outside reality and has fully colonized absolute dimensions (ADs) and the infinitely branching planes of the omniad. Citizens of this level have a limitless and boundless existence, and the freedom to exist anywhere and everywhere in omniad.

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