What will be the output of printf?

What will be the output of printf?

The printf() function is used for printing the output. It returns the number of characters that are printed. If there is some error then it returns a negative value.

How do I print a variable using printf?

We use printf() function with %d format specifier to display the value of an integer variable. Similarly %c is used to display character, %f for float variable, %s for string variable, %lf for double and %x for hexadecimal variable. To generate a newline,we use ā€œ\nā€ in C printf() statement.

Can we use printf as a variable in C?

It is known that, printf() function is an inbuilt library function in C programming language in the header file stdio. h. It is used to print a character, string, float, integer etc.

Can we assign printf to a variable?

6 Answers. You can do it with sprintf , but not alone (safely). On a sane system, use snprintf twice, once to find out the size to use and the second time to actually do it. This depends on snprintf returning the number of characters needed when it runs out of room.

What is output of this program?

Programs require data to be input. This data is used (processed) by the program, and data (or information ) is output as a result.

How do you find the output of a program?

The scanf function returns the number of input is given. printf(“%d\n”, scanf(“%d”, &i)); The scanf function returns the value 1(one). Therefore, the output of the program is ‘1’.

How do you print the value of a variable?

As you might expect, printf can also print the values of variables. Here’s an example: printf(“The answer is %d\n”, answer); The arguments to printf are a “control” string followed by the variables whose values you wish to print.

Can python print a variable?

Python print variables: While printing strings, it is common to print a variable’s values inside it. A common example is you might want to print the first and last name in a sentence and these values are stored in two variables respectively.

How does printf work in C?

printf or print function in C takes a formatting string and couple of optional variables as input and outputs strings to console while converting input variables to strings. Now printf iterates through each characters of user string and copies the character to the output string. Printf only stops at “%”.

How many arguments can printf take?

Printf can take as many arguments as you want. In the man page you can see a at the end, which stands for a var args. If you got 96 times %s in your first argument, you’ll have 97 arguments (The first string + the 96 replaced strings šŸ˜‰ ) No, it’s not correct to say that printf always takes 2 arguments.

Can we use printf () apart from just printing values if yes then where?

The printf function of C can do a lot more than just printing the values of variables. We can also format our printing with the printf function. We will first see some of the format specifiers and special characters and then start the examples of formatted printing.

What are examples of outputs?

Examples of outputs include:

  • Information (e.g. new information created as an input to a workshop and/or information from meetings)
  • Leaflets.
  • Meetings or workshops held with different groups.
  • Posters.
  • Exhibitions/presentations.
  • Surgeries (i.e. one-to-one discussions to share problems, get advice etc)
  • Reports.

How to print the total number of characters in a variable?

To print backslash ( \\ ), we use double backslash ( \\\\ ). We can also get the total number of printed character using printf (), printf () returns the total number of printed character, that we can store in a variable and print. To print value with 0 padded in 5 digits, we can use “%05d”.

Do you pass a variable to printf format?

SYNOPSIS printf FORMAT [ARGUMENT]… You should never pass a variable to the FORMAT string as it may lead to errors and security vulnerabilities. You should never put variable content in the format string given to printf.

When do you use the printf function in a program?

When you actually use the printf function, that is, when you want your program to print something on the screen, you will place a callto the function in your source code. When we want a function to perform its task we say we “call” it, and a function call is a type of program statement.

What does it mean to call printf with two variables?

The syntax you have used: just means: call printf and put two variables into the environment of printf AND give the actual values of $var1 and $var2 as defined in the calling shell as argument to printf. The reason is: not printf evaluates $var1 and $var2 but the calling shell.

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