How do I fix Nightingale Hall glitch?

How do I fix Nightingale Hall glitch?

Do this by opening the console menu again and type ” tcl” and hit enter. The console will say “collisions off” if you have done this correctly. Exit the console and walk through the gate, and once on the other side to turn collison back on enter “tcl” again and you will notice the “collisons on” message.

How do I fix Karliah glitch?

After Brynjolf accepts the terms of becoming a Nightingale, Karliah will ask you if you accept. Accept the terms, Karliah will then turn and head to the gate. Immediately interrupt her and ask her any question. This lets Brynjolf move ahead of her and fixes this bug.

Why won’t Karliah open the gate?

I figured out it was bug with the stairs. You have to stand behind karliah before accepting the oath and she will follow you up the stairs towards the gate. Then accept the oath and she will open the gate and walk to the circles no problem.

Where is Karliah going?

Instead of doing so, Karliah will walk back to Riften. She is considered ‘Busy’, and so is ‘Brynjolf’ when spoken to.

Is Karliah related to Barenziah?

Karliah is the granddaughter of Barenziah who was ruler of Morrowind. Barenziah fell in love with a Nightingale and had a daughter named Dralsi Indoril she was the mother of Karliah. Karliah was a member of the Thieves Guild she left the guild when she was framed for the death of the leader Gallus.

Can Karliah be married?

Karliah is marriable and can be a follower. Compatible with Hearthfire but doesn’t require it. Then go to Nightingale Hall and speak with Karliah. She should have follower lines right away, for marriage lines you must be wearing an Amulet of Mara, like with any other regular candidate for marriage.

Can Karliah be a follower?

Karliah is marriable and can be a follower. Compatible with Hearthfire but doesn’t require it. Then go to Nightingale Hall and speak with Karliah.

What level should I get the Nightingale sword?

level 46
Nightingale Blade – Karliah gives it as a reward for completing the Thieves Guild quest “Hard Answers” – The best possible version is available at or above level 46.

How old is Karliah?

2 indicates Gallus was about to look more into Mercer and his past, and that’s likely when he discovered Mercer’s treachery towards The Guild) then Karliah would be around 50 years of age, possibly as young as 45.

Can you improve the Nightingale blade?

The Nightingale Blade can be upgraded with an ebony ingot with the Arcane Blacksmith perk. However, it does not benefit from any Smithing perks. This means that the weapon cannot be improved past flawless quality without boosting the Smithing skill over 100.

Where is the Nightingale Hall located in Skyrim?

Nightingale Hall is a large cave which serves as the headquarters of the Nightingales. It is located just south of Riften.

Where is Nightingale blade in Skyrim?

The blade is found inside the tunnels under the Riftweald Manor in Riften during the quest “The Pursuit.”. Alternatively, it is possible to jump onto the roof of the Temple of Mara by jumping onto the brazer or barrel on the left of the door, then by simply jumping onto the roof.

What is Nightingale armor in Skyrim?

The Nightingale Armor is a unique light armor set that appears in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The armor is the trademark of the Nightingales , a shadowy faction dedicated to the service of the Daedric Prince Nocturnal.

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