What was the worst heat wave ever?

What was the worst heat wave ever? 1913 – in July, the hottest heat wave ever struck California. During this heat wave, Death Valley recorded a record high temperature of 57 °C (134 °F) at Furnace Creek, which still remains the highest ambient air temperature recorded on Earth. What temperature is considered a heat wave? […]

What should a fully charged automotive battery read?

What should a fully charged automotive battery read? Fully charged automotive batteries should measure at 12.6 volts or above. When the engine is running, this measurement should be 13.7 to 14.7 volts. If you don’t have a multimeter to tell you the voltage of your battery, you can do a test of your electrical system […]

Can an implant support a bridge?

Can an implant support a bridge? Implant-supported bridges are very similar to traditional bridges. However, instead of being supported by dental crowns placed over adjacent teeth, implant-supported bridges attach to small titanium posts embedded in the jaw. Can you play sports with dental implants? The body will need the energy to heal and keep the […]

Where is the common files folder in Windows 7?

Where is the common files folder in Windows 7? Program Files folder In English Windows, that folder is named Common Files, and it is located in the Program Files folder. How do I find my common folder? The easiest way to find a list of network shared folders is to use File Explorer (Windows 10) […]

What is a player in slang terms?

What is a player in slang terms? (slang) One who actively seeks out sexual partners and carries on a number of sexual affairs at the same time. noun. Whats a player mean? Webster Player | Definition of Player by Merriam-Webster.. What does it mean when someone calls you a squib? 1a : a short humorous […]

What is Seebri Breezhaler used for?

What is Seebri Breezhaler used for? Seebri Breezhaler is indicated as a maintenance bronchodilator treatment to relieve symptoms in adult patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The recommended dose is the inhalation of the content of one capsule once daily using the Seebri Breezhaler inhaler. Is seebri a lama? Glycopyrronium bromide (Seebri Breezhaler) is […]

How do you get scented geraniums to flower?

How do you get scented geraniums to flower? Keep them in a sunny window, water regularly, and fertilize very little. Scented geranium care is so easy both indoors and out, it’s a wonder every gardener doesn’t own at least one. They’re the perfect patio or balcony plant. Not only do they offer fragrant leaves, lovely […]

How do you play Toptafel?

How do you play Toptafel? The string is round around the top and the top positioned in it’s starting position at one end of the game. The string is then swiftly pulled away from the table spinning the top into the table. The turn finishes when the top comes to a halt and the points […]

What nerves are affected by T11 and T12?

What nerves are affected by T11 and T12? At the T1 through T11 levels, the ventral ramus eventually becomes an intercostal nerve that travels along the same path as the ribs (specifically between the innermost and internal intercostal muscles that connect adjacent ribs). At T12, the ventral ramus becomes a subcostal nerve that travels beneath […]

Is it safe to microwave cannabutter?

Is it safe to microwave cannabutter? Still, microwaves are very much an option if you’re really short on time. The food or liquid that you’re infusing with THC or CBD is likely to burn or degrade before the cannabinoids do, so the microwave will get the job done despite the results lacking in taste and […]

How much should you donate to charity each month?

How much should you donate to charity each month? Start with 1% of your income. If you’re new to charitable giving, 1% is a great place to start. Deciding to give a percentage of your income allows you to give what you can, even if your income changes. If you already give and live quite […]

Can rosacea cause cysts?

Can rosacea cause cysts? Ocular rosacea can cause persistently dry, sensitive eyes, and cysts may form on the eyelids. What eye problems are associated with rosacea? You may have ocular rosacea if you notice any of the following problems with your eyes: Swollen, red eyelids (most common sign) Red, bloodshot eyes. Pink eye (also known […]

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