Do porcupines like to be petted?

Do porcupines like to be petted?

They’re not that affectionate, but if they like you and trust you, they may rub noses with you. Also, you can pet them on their backs, but only if their quills are flattened.

Are porcupines friendly to humans?

In fact, despite their prickly reputation, porcupines are actually very mellow animals. Though they’re feared for their sharp quills, they only use them in self-defense.

How long do pet porcupines live?

After two weeks, they start to eat solid food but they continue to nurse for 4 to 5 months. The average life expectancy of a wild porcupine is 5 to 6 years, while their captive counterparts have been known to live up to 10 years.

Can porcupines be trained?

NA porcupines can be slow with the training, but some individuals can be quite zippy – so be prepared for anything when starting a new routine. At Philadelphia Zoo, the NA porcupines are target trained, station trained, and are working on going from point A to point B on cue.

Can a porcupine cuddle?

To hear Marisa Grafford tell it, porcupines make excellent pets — affectionate enough to cuddle once you’ve smoothed down the quills. You can push her quills down and sort of pick her up.”

How much does a baby porcupine cost?

Some breeders offer hedgehog starter kits for around $75 that include a cage, wheel, a hiding place, water bottle, feed bowl and food, and some shavings.

Can porcupines cuddle?

Do porcupines smell like BO?

The North American porcupine has a strong odor to warn away predators, which it can increase when agitated. The smell has been described as similar to strong human body odor, goats, or some cheeses.

Can you leave a hedgehog alone for a week?

Don’t leave them home alone for more than a day While hedgehogs are content in solitude, they do need to be fed and checked in on daily. If you travel a lot or are out of the house often, you should make sure that you have a family member, friend or neighbor that is willing to check them daily.

Can you buy porcupine?

Yes, it’s possible to pet a porcupine, and a number of states allow you to keep one as a pet. Porcupines can be trained to a degree — and some even grow to be affectionate toward humans — but bear in mind they’re solitary creatures who can become violent when agitated.

Is it legal to have a porcupine as a pet?

Porcupines are considered to be exotic pets as they are wild animals not conventionally owned as pets. In Canada it is perfectly fine to own a porcupine as a pet. However, it is illegal to own a porcupine in California and some other states in America.

Can a porcupine be kept in a cage?

People and animals have to come into contact with the porcupine in order for the quills to become embedded in their bodies. You can keep your pet porcupine in a fairly big cage having a solid floor, but proper ventilation is a must.

What should I Feed my Porcupine in captivity?

In captivity, provide your pet with mainly fruits and veggies, with a rodent pellet supplement. Feed your porcupine twice a day, with a fruit or veggies snack in between. Apples are a favorite of this animal, as well as yellow pumpkins and corn on the cob. This animal will also need a bit of salt sprinkled on its food as a supplement.

What’s the best way to handle a porcupine?

Pet parents should only handle the porcupine while wearing thick leather gloves. It’s always best to have the porcupine come to you while in a sitting position on the floor. Once the porcupine is comfortable with your presence, slowly reach out and scratch it on the top of the head. Building a friendship with a porcupine takes time and patience.

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