What causes symmetrical ripples?

What causes symmetrical ripples?

Symmetric ripples are formed by bidirectional currents: currents that move in one direction and then in the opposite one. Waves cause ripples to be symmetric because both sides of the ripple become alternatively sites of erosion and deposition while water moves back and forth.

What do asymmetrical ripples indicate?

If you look closely, you will notice that one side of the ripple has a shallow, gentle incline, while the other is steep and abrupt. These ripple marks are asymmetric, which suggests there is one dominant wind direction.

What are asymmetrical ripples?

Asymmetrical ripples contain a steeper slope downstream. With an alternation in current flow from one direction to the opposite symmetrical ripples form. Symmetrical ripples tend to have the same slope on both sides of the crest.

Why are sedimentary rocks important?

Why are sedimentary rocks important? Sedimentary rocks provide geologists with information necessary to study the history of Earth and also hold various resources of economic importance. By what process do sediments become well sorted, and by what process do sediments become poorly sorted?

Do water ripples behave like sound waves?

Sound waves are like light and water waves in other ways too. When water waves traveling long distances across the ocean flow around a headland or into a bay, they spread out in circles like ripples. Sound waves do exactly the same thing, which is why we can hear around corners.

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