What is Bedmaking procedure?

What is Bedmaking procedure?

Bed making procedure ensures the patient’s comfort according to the situation. It may vary on the client’s conditions, purposes and procedures such as open bed, closed bed, occupied bed, cardiac bed, fracture bed, blanket bed etc. Nurses have a major role in bed making procedure in hospital.

What are the different types of hospital beds?

There are three types of hospital beds: manual, semi-electric, and fully-electric.

  • Manual: These beds use hand cranks to adjust the bed’s height and raise and lower the head and the foot.
  • Semi-electric: An electric motor raises and lowers the head and foot parts of the bed.

How do you make a simple occupied bed?


  1. Place two chairs at the foot end of the bed.
  2. Untuck the bed clothes beginning from the top.
  3. Remove counterpane or blanket, if present, by folding it into three parts on to the chair.
  4. Do not expose patient.
  5. Remove all pillows and other bed accessories where necessary.
  6. If side to side method is employed.

What are the materials needed in bed making?


  • Fitted sheet or flat bottom sheet.
  • Top sheet.
  • Pillowcases.
  • Comforter, duvet, quilt, or blanket.
  • Mattress pad (optional)
  • Decorative linens (optional)
  • Decorative pillows (optional.

How does a hospital bed work?

Full Electric Hospital Beds: An electrical bed is plugged into an outlet and is controlled with a remote that usually attaches to the side of the bed. All the different positions can be changed very easily, thus eliminating the need for any manual labor.

What is bed-making and types?

Bed-making is nursing art. The purpose of the bed-making should be patients or client-centered. The main purposes of bed-making are to prevent complications by ensuring comfort and security to the patient. To provide rest and sleep. To provide physical and psychological comfort and security to the patient.

What is blanket bed?

A blanket is a generic term that refers to almost any bed covering thicker than a sheet, including quilts, duvets, and comforters.

What is unoccupied bed?

Unoccupied (Closed) Bed. An unoccupied bed is one that is made when not occupied by a patient. Raise the bed to a comfortable working height, if adjustable. Lower siderails, if present. Remove pillows and pillowcases.

What is hospital bed called?

A hospital bed or hospital cot is a bed specially designed for hospitalized patients or others in need of some form of health care. These beds have special features both for the comfort and well-being of the patient and for the convenience of health care workers.

Who was the doctor on the hidden camera?

Little did he know that Mr. Hyde has been filmed and whom dark deeds will soon be brought to a judge for his sentencing. The perverse doctor was soon arrested and pleaded guilty for his crime. Despite his alleged remorse, the judge had refused to reduce his sentence on grounds that he has greatly violated his rights as a doctor.

Why was there a hidden camera in the recovery room?

It was there in that recovery room that he carried out his heinous deed. He requested everyone including family members and nurses to leave the room for him to conduct a personal examination. However, sensing foul play, the nurses planted a hidden camera in the room to record the proceedings. What was caught on film shocked them!

What did the doctor do after he took the pictures?

After he’s done with the pictures, the doctor went as far as jumping onto the operation table and have sexual intercourse with the unconscious patient. When he’s done, he cleaned up after himself and resumes life under the disguise as Dr. Jekyll.

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