What is the synonym of apply?

What is the synonym of apply?

exert, administer, implement, use, exercise, employ, utilize, practise, put into practice, execute, prosecute, enact, carry out, put to use, bring into effect, bring into play, bring to bear.

Can be applied in or to?

You could use to because, presumably, you’re applying what you’ve learned in your research to a problem in a particular field. You could use in because, when you apply your research, you’re doing so within a particular domain.

What does it mean to apply something?

1a : to put to use especially for some practical purpose He applies pressure to get what he wants. b : to bring into action apply the brakes. c : to lay or spread on apply varnish. d : to put into operation or effect apply a law.

Do we say applied on or in?

Both are correct; depending on context and the intended meaning, one of them is used.

Did apply or did applied?

It’s not usual to speak of “being applied” (passive) for something (like a visa, or a job): you apply actively. “Did apply” isn’t what you want here, either, as “do/did” in this context is used for emphasis or to contradict someone who asserts that you did not do something.

Did you apply or applied?

Will be applied means?

apply to someone or something [for rules, laws, etc.] to affect someone or something; to be relevant to someone or something.

What does apply oneself to mean?

: to make oneself work hard in order to complete something successfully If you apply yourself, you might be able to finish the project on time. She applied herself to learning the language.

What is the antonym of apply?

Antonyms for apply: bare, fiddle, answer, idle, monkey, mess around, halt, strip, loosen, deny, ignore, keep, stop, potter, peel, play, disregard, putter, uncover, trifle, detach, expose, neglect, cease, fool around, misuse, mismanage, disclaim.

What is another word for apply?

apply(verb) ask (for something) “He applied for a leave of absence”; “She applied for college”; “apply for a job”. Synonyms: employ, use, go for, give, lend oneself, put on, implement, utilise, enforce, practice, hold, utilize.

What is a synonym for applies?

apply(v. a.) Synonyms: lay upon, put or place upon. apply(v. a.) Synonyms: appropriate, use, employ, exercise, ply, convert to use, put to use. apply(v. a.) Synonyms: disperse, execute, carry out, put in practice. apply(v. a.) Synonyms: devote, dedicate, addict, direct, engage, turn attentively, bend with diligence.

What is another word for applied for?

Synonyms for applied. actionable, applicable, applicative, functional, practicable, practical, serviceable, ultrapractical,

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