Who are the dragonguard in League of Legends?

Who are the dragonguard in League of Legends?

The Kingdom of Demacia is heavily into Dragonology, an entire field of science dedicated in studying Dragons, having researchers that study dragons their entire life. The Dragonguard are an order of knights dedicated in defending Demacia from dragon attacks.

Where do you find Drakes in League of Legends?

In League of Legends the terrestrial sort are depicted as Epic Monsters known as drakes, residing in Summoner’s Rift ‘s dragon pit. In Legends of Runeterra, they are a special group of powerful units that grow stronger through killing others.

What happens when you kill a Drake in League of Legends?

Killing an elemental drake permanently grants the killing team a Dragon Slayer stack, which provides a buff, different for each type of drake killed. Killing the elder dragon for the first time instead grants a temporary buff called Aspect of the Dragon .

Which is the strongest dragon in League of Legends?

Infernal Drake is considered by many players the strongest dragon due to its raw power boost. If viable, contest the dragon at all cost. In the early game, the percentage increased won’t make a difference, but the Infernal Drake’s late game power is massive.

How many types of dragons are there in League of Legends?

There are five types of dragons: Cloud, Infernal, Mountain and Ocean drakes; and Elder Dragon . The first four types are globally known as elemental drakes. They spawn randomly until the Elder Dragon spawns, after which only the Elder Dragon will spawn.

Who is the celestial dragon in League of Legends?

Aurelion Sol also known as the Golden Sun and The Star Forger is one of the oldest celestial dragons in existence. Responsible for the creation of countless stars and constellations, including The Great Beyond and Runeterras sun.

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