How do I complete my NMC revalidation?

How do I complete my NMC revalidation?

10 ways to prepare for revalidation

  1. 1) Sign up to NMC Online and check your renewal date. Use NMC Online to manage your registration.
  2. 2) Find out the requirements.
  3. 3) Know the Code.
  4. 4) Think about feedback.
  5. 5) Find time for reflection.
  6. 7) Speak to colleagues.
  7. 8) Identify a confirmer.
  8. 9) Keep up to date.

How do I renew my nursing registration UK?

Renewing registration with NMC Online

  1. pay their registration fee.
  2. find out their renewal date.
  3. update their contact details.
  4. view and print a statement of entry.
  5. provide equality and diversity information, and.
  6. provide details about their place of work.

Who can confirm your revalidation?

You need to be in a position to confirm that the nurse, midwife or nursing associate has met the revalidation requirements (see pages 12-20). Most confirmers will be the nurse, midwife or nursing associate’s line manager and be very familiar with the their practice.

How early can a nurse revalidation?

You will need to submit your application through the NMC online portal NMC Online, and you can do this at any point during the 60 days, but it must be completed by the first day of the month in which your application is due. You must ensure you pay your fee before your revalidation application date.

When can you revalidate?

Every three years from when you join (or rejoin) the register you will need to renew your registration by revalidating. Your revalidation application is due on the first day of the month in which your registration expires.

What do I need for nursing revalidation?

As part of your revalidation, you must undertake 35 hours of continuing professional development (CPD) relevant to your scope of practice as a nurse, nursing associate or midwife over the three years prior to your revalidation date. This must include 20 hours of participatory learning.

How do you write a reflective revalidation account?

The reflective account needs to be a brief example (or examples) of something that happened in the previous year, specifically thinking about why you did what you did. You then need to explain how you are meeting one or more of the three standards for pharmacy professionals (see Box 1).

Can I revalidate early?

You will be required to submit an application to revalidate before you can renew your registration at the end of your current three-year registration period. The application must be submitted by the first day of the month in which your registration expires.

What is revalidation nursing?

Revalidation is the process of renewing your registration as a nurse and a process which must be completed every three years. It is a structured, formal process with evidence reviewed and confirmed by your Line Manager.

How often do nurses have to revalidate their registration?

Revalidation is the process of renewing and maintaining registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). The process, which must be completed every three years, encourages nurses to keep up to date in their professional practice to support safe and effective patient care.

How to prepare for revalidation at Royal College of Nursing?

You can prepare for revalidation by: 1 joining NMC online and ensuring you know when your renewal date is 2 ensuring the NMC has your most up-to-date contact details 3 becoming familiar with the Code 4 reading the NMC Guidance on How to Revalidate 5 download the RCN’s Your Essential Guide to NMC Revalidation pocket guide

When to apply for Nursing and Midwifery Council revalidation?

Your online application opens 60 days before your revalidation application date. Once you have met the revalidation requirements and had your confirmation discussion you can begin your application. Login or register at NMC Online. We’re the professional regulator for nurses, midwives and nursing associates.

How often do you have to revalidate with the NMC?

When you renew your registration every three years, you need to revalidate with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) so you can continue practising as a registered nurse, nursing associate or midwife.

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