What is KINGDOM software?

What is KINGDOM software?

Kingdom is a seismic and geological interpretation software designed to help geoscientists, drillers and engineers to collaborate with each other.

What is Petra software?

Petra is a unique solution for data management, manipulation, visualization and integration of geological, geophysical and engineering data. You can quickly visualize results using mapping, cross-sections, seismic interpretations, log plots, cross-plots, production and reservoir analysis and 3D visualization.

What is IHS Petra?

Petra from IHS Markit is a cost-effective software solution for managing, manipulating and visualizing integrated geological, geophysical and engineering data. Post digital/raster log curves and production data to well location. Create and customize contour and bubble maps.

What does Kingdom seismic and geological interpretation software do?

Optimized for unconventional, conventional and deep water plays, Kingdom helps you assess the potential of regional geologic trends or discover where assets are underperforming, all within a singular, cost effective and easy to learn environment. Kingdom ™ from IHS Markit enables:

What kind of software does IHS Markit Kingdom use?

Kingdom – Seismic & Geological Interpretation Software The IHS Markit – Kingdom software is used for interpretation and analysis of seismic and geological data and one of the most advanced tools in oil and gas industry.

What can I do with IHS Kingdom suite?

It is used for teaching students in many courses (“Marine Geophysics”, “Sound Images of Sedimentary Structures in the Ocean”, “Submarine Mapping”, “Seismic Interpretation”, “3D Seismics”) and in research projects as well. For more information, please visit the IHS Markit® – Kingdom – Seismic & Geological Interpretation Software website.

How long is the Kingdom getting started geology class?

Length: ½ Day. Summary: The Kingdom Getting Started – Geology training class provides you with a basic, hands-on Kingdom software training and demonstrates its usage for Geological Data loading and interpretation. It is intended for Geoscientists and Geo-Technicians.

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