Can we use function in SELECT query?

Can we use function in SELECT query?

3 Answers. Yes, you can do almost that: SELECT dbo.

How do you write a function in a SELECT statement?


  1. Specify a name for the function.
  2. Specify a name and data type for each input parameter.
  3. Specify the RETURNS keyword and the data type of the scalar return value.
  4. Specify the BEGIN keyword to introduce the function-body.
  5. Specify the function body.
  6. Specify the END keyword.

Can we use function in WHERE clause in SQL?

SQL Server offers many handy functions that can be used either in your SELECT clause or in your WHERE clause. For the most part these functions provide complex coding that would be very difficult to get this same functionality without these functions.

How do I select a function in SQL?


  1. SELECT column1, column2, FROM table_name;
  2. SELECT * FROM table_name;
  3. Example. SELECT CustomerName, City FROM Customers;
  4. Example. SELECT * FROM Customers;

Can we call procedure inside function in SQL?

You cannot execute a stored procedure inside a function, because a function is not allowed to modify database state, and stored procedures are allowed to modify database state.

Can we call a procedure inside a function?

A function cannot call the procedure inside the program’s body.

Can group functions be used in where clause?

Group functions cannot be used in WHERE clause. The can appear in SELECT, HAVING and ORDER BY clause.

What is the function of FROM clause in SQL?

The SQL From clause is the source of a rowset to be operated upon in a Data Manipulation Language (DML) statement. From clauses are very common, and will provide the rowset to be exposed through a Select statement, the source of values in an Update statement, and the target rows to be deleted in a Delete statement.

Can we write function inside stored procedure?

A function can be called in a select statement as well as in a stored procedure. Since a function call would return a value we need to store the return value in a variable. Now creating a stored procedure which calls a function named MultiplyofTwoNumber; see: Create PROCEDURE [dbo].

How do I insert into SQL?

The SQL INSERT INTO Statement. The INSERT INTO statement is used to insert new records in a table. It is possible to write the INSERT INTO statement in two ways. The first way specifies both the column names and the values to be inserted: INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3.)

How do you select column in SQL?

Selecting All Columns in a Table Use an asterisk in the SELECT clause to select all columns in a table. The following example selects all columns in the SQL.USCITYCOORDS table, which contains latitude and longitude values for U.S. cities: To select a specific column in a table, list the name of the column in the SELECT clause.

Where does syntax SQL?

SQL: WHERE Clause Description. Syntax. DDL/DML for Examples. Example – One Condition in the WHERE Clause. Example – Two Conditions in the WHERE Clause (AND Condition) You can use the AND condition in the WHERE clause to specify more than 1 condition that must be met

What is select function in SQL?

Overview. SELECT is the most common operation in SQL,called “the query”.

  • Examples.
  • Limiting result rows.
  • Hierarchical query.
  • Query evaluation ANSI.
  • Window function support by RDBMS vendors.
  • Generating data in T-SQL
  • References.
  • Sources.
  • External links
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