How many Rangers died in Mogadishu?

How many Rangers died in Mogadishu? Casualties included 19 dead American soldiers and 73 wounded, with Malaysian forces suffering one death and seven wounded, and Pakistani forces suffering one death and two injuries. There were between 315 and 2,000 Somali casualties….Battle of Mogadishu (1993) Date 3–4 October 1993 Result Somali National Alliance victory Where is […]

Can you use SRAM levers with Shimano hydraulic brakes?

Can you use SRAM levers with Shimano hydraulic brakes? You can basically do that, with one caveat: The Shimano brakes will not work ideally with the SRAM levers. Current Shimano calipers are built with higher leverage (longer lever arms) and are paired with a low-leverage lever that pulls more cable. Can you use Shimano brakes […]

Por que se produce la diabetes tipo 1?

¿Por qué se produce la diabetes tipo 1? Con la diabetes tipo 1, las células beta producen poca o ninguna insulina. Sin la insulina suficiente, la glucosa se acumula en el torrente sanguíneo en lugar de entrar en las células. Esta acumulación de glucosa en la sangre se denomina hiperglucemia. El cuerpo es incapaz de […]

What is the HDMI port on my TV?

What is the HDMI port on my TV? What are HDMI ports? HDMI, or “High-Definition Media Input,” is the go-to port for all your modern devices. HDMI ports in your TV are used for both video and audio. You can even plug a streaming device like a Roku or Amazon Fire TV Stick to turn […]

Is BlackBerry going to launch new phone?

Is BlackBerry going to launch new phone? The BlackBerry brand will be back with a 5G keyboard phone A new BlackBerry handset will launch in 2021. TCL then bought rights to release BlackBerry-branded phones to give us 2017’s KeyOne and then 2018’s Key2, an even better sequel. What will happen to BlackBerry in 2020? BlackBerry […]

How do I forward calls on Nortel t7316e?

How do I forward calls on Nortel t7316e? Using the Call Forwarding to divert your incoming calls to an external number Leaving the handset down press Feature 4 or Call Forward. Press the digit used to access an external line. Enter the full external number you want your calls to be forwarded to. Press the […]

What are pseudopods and what are their functions?

What are pseudopods and what are their functions? Also known as pseudopodia (singular noun: pseudopodium), pseudopods are temporary extensions of the cytoplasm (also referred to as false feet) used for locomotion and feeling. They can be found in all sarcodines as well as a number of flagellate protozoa that either exist as parasites or as […]

What is the best college to major in music?

What is the best college to major in music? Here are the best colleges with a Music Major Columbia University. Harvard University. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Yale University. Stanford University. University of Chicago. University of Pennsylvania. California Institute of Technology. What university is known for music? The Best University Music Programs in the US Name […]

Que se entiende por equidad?

¿Que se entiende por equidad? La equidad es sinónimo de justicia, ética y equilibrio. La equidad implica la capacidad de ser justos partiendo del principio de la igualdad, pero considerando las necesidades individuales y las circunstancias de cada persona. ¿Qué es la equidad en el derecho? Se conoce como equidad a la justicia social por […]

Why do snooker players chalk their cues so much?

Why do snooker players chalk their cues so much? This prevents the cue from sliding off the ball prematurely, ruining the shot (called a ‘miscue’). Over time, the tip of a pool stick becomes worn and smooth from use. Chalk provides the friction necessary to make a shot. What ball do you look at when […]

What was the reason for the Second Amendment?

What was the reason for the Second Amendment? The Founding Fathers felt that citizens should be able to protect themselves against the government and any other threat to their wellbeing or personal freedom. The Second Amendment granted citizens that right — giving them the ability to defend themselves and their property. What is the Second […]

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