What fish can live with telescope goldfish?

What fish can live with telescope goldfish?

Also, telescope eye goldfish will struggle to compete for food with faster, more agile tankmates. For that reason, Carassius auratus is best kept with similar types, such as the black moor, lionhead goldfish, celestial goldfish, and bubble eye goldfish.

How many telescope goldfish can live together?

Telescope Goldfish are egg layers that spawn readily in the right conditions. They can be bred in groups as small as five individuals, but they are very social animals and likely to breed in larger groups as well.

What can I put in a tank with Comet goldfish?

Goldfish. Not all fish make good tank makes for comets, but you can choose from most varieties of goldfish. Black moor goldfish, fantail, shubunkin (calico), pearlscale and common goldfish are all hardy species that can thrive in colder water, just like comets.

How big do telescope goldfish get?

They can grow up to a length of 6 inches. Because their eyes are usually large, their vision is poor. White telescopes are less popular than black telescopes.

Can you put guppies with goldfish?

The answer is YES, guppies and Goldfish can coexist together. However, bigger goldfish have the capability of eating the smaller guppy fish. That said, you should beware of what type of goldfish you choose to keep with your guppies.

Can angelfish live with goldfish?

Goldfish are generally peaceful and can live in large groups. Although angelfish can be housed with other angelfish, they tend to be aggressive. Thus, even if it were possible to safely house angelfish and goldfish in the same temperature water, the angelfish would be likely to prey upon the goldfish.

Why is my yellow goldfish turning black?

Ammonia changes are, by far, the most common reason why goldfish turn black. Fish produce ammonia through waste. Decaying plant matter and uneaten food can cause ammonia spikes too. Usually, aquarists can keep ammonia levels very low by simply cleaning the tank on a routine schedule.

How old is a 1 inch goldfish?

Goldfish Growth Chart

Age Slim-Bodied Goldfish Fancy Goldfish
1 month 0.9 inches 0.9 inches
6 months 2 inches 1.5 inches
12 months 3.25 inches 2.75 inches
18 months 4.5 inches 3.5 inches

Why did my goldfish eyes turn white?

Trauma – The #1 Cause of Fish Cloudy Eyes Without eyelids to protect their corneas, a simple abrasion can result in a localized inflammatory reaction. This is the cause of most cloudy eyes in fish. The cornea on the outside of the eye can turn cloudy as the fish’s immune system swims to the rescue.

Which goldfish is best?

While you can find hundreds of Goldfish varieties around the world, here are some of the more popular ones you’ll find at pet stores.

  • Black Moor. Unlike other fancy goldfish types, this breed is extremely enduring and can make good pets for new fishkeepers.
  • BubbleEye.
  • Celestial.
  • Comet.
  • Fantail.
  • LionHead.
  • Oranda.
  • Ryukin.

Can I put angelfish with goldfish?

While it is possible to keep goldfish with angelfish, it’s not recommended due to the disparity in their respective water parameters. That said, there are still many other fishes that can be kept with either goldfish or angelfish for that matter.

Which is the best tank mate for telescope eyed fancy goldfish?

Appropriate tank mates for the Telescope Eyed Fancy Goldfish include the Bubble Eyed Fancy Goldfish, the Black Moor Goldfish, the Lionhead Goldfish, and the Celestial Eyed Fancy Goldfish. There is no mistaking a Telescope Eye goldfish! The features of this fish are what makes it unique and highly prized by many goldfish lovers.

Can a telescope Goldie live with any other fish?

Telescope goldies probably should not be housed with any other kind of fish due to their fragile nature. You may try a couple of snails. There are, however, other types of freshwater fish that may be successfully housed with most other goldfish, as long as proper, partial water changes are regularly performed.

What kind of fish to put in a goldfish tank?

Fish such as barbs or bottom dwellers make perfect tank mates for a goldfish. They are usually quite peaceful fish and will most likely ignore each other. There might be cases of aggression observed between goldfish and barbs, but this is rare and not really anything to worry about. However, don’t put goldfish and shrimps in the same tank.

Can a telescope eye goldfish be a fast swimmer?

Telescope Eye goldfish are slow swimmers. They should never be placed with fast swimming fish or any single-tail goldfish. Their chubby body type and poor vision make them less capable swimmers. Having poor eyesight and difficulty swimming, this fish requires extra care. Although it’s listed as a hardy fish, it is delicate.

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