How bad is the air quality in Seattle right now?

How bad is the air quality in Seattle right now?

Beacon Hill, Seattle, Washington Air Pollution: Real-time Air Quality Index (AQI)

Current Max
PM2.5 AQI 25 63
O3 AQI 2 22
NO2 AQI 26 26
SO2 AQI 2 2

What is the normal air quality in Seattle?

What is the current air quality in Seattle?

Air pollution level Air quality index Main pollutant
Good 46 US AQI PM2.5

What is a safe level of PM2 5?

35 μg/m3
In the short term, the US considers it safe if PM2. 5 levels don’t go over 35 μg/m3 within a day, so long as the yearly average comes out to 12 μg/m3 per day (in other words, a few days of higher PM2. 5 here and there is acceptable, so long as there are only a few).

Why is the air quality bad in Seattle today?

Why Is the Air Quality Bad Today in Seattle? Weather plays a big role in how the air quality is in Seattle each day. The amount of sun can affect how much ozone there is, and wind and rain can affect PM2. 5 and particulate air pollution to varying degrees.

What is pm2 5 polluted?

Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) is an air pollutant that is a concern for people’s health when levels in air are high. PM2.5 are tiny particles in the air that reduce visibility and cause the air to appear hazy when levels are elevated.

Does Seattle have smog?

Smog Check Stations in Seattle, Washington The City of Seattle, in King County, Washington, has a population of 704,000. Washington-registered drivers with vehicles that require testing and living in Seattle must get their vehicles to pass a smog check.

How do I remove PM 2.5 from my body?

Staying indoors – in a room or building with filtered air – and reducing your activity levels are the best ways to reduce the amount of particle pollution you breathe into your lungs. Read on for more information on steps to help reduce your exposure to short episodes of high levels of PM2.

Where is the cleanest air in Washington state today?

Real-time Washington Cleanest city ranking

# city US AQI
1 Carnation 0
2 Cathlamet 0
3 Coupeville 0
4 Fall City 0

Where is Seattle smoke coming from?

SEATTLE — On Thursday, air quality across Washington was cause for concern as wildfire smoke filled the skies. A lot of the smoke drifting into the state and the Puget Sound region came from British Columbia.

What is the cleanest city in America?

Honolulu, Hawaii ranks first as the cleanest city in the U.S. Despite being the most fossil fuel-dependent state in the U.S., due to its reliance on tourism and the military, Hawaii is currently working to achieve 100% clean energy by 2045.

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