How do I fix black bars on custom resolution?

How do I fix black bars on custom resolution?

How do I fix black bars in Windows 10 games?

  1. Make sure you use the native resolution.
  2. Update your graphics card drivers.
  3. Check the in-game settings.
  4. Use the Ctrl+Alt+F11 shortcut.
  5. Check Override application settings in Intel Graphics Control Panel.
  6. Run games in windowed fullscreen mode.

How do I make my MapleStory screen fit?

Navigate to “Quick Settings” then click “Notebook Panel Properties” on the left hand side. 3. Click “Resize the Desktop to fit the Display Panel” to make sure it is highlighted, then press “Go” in the lower right hand corner.

Why does my game have black bars on the side?

Video games and other content may show a black bar if your computer is not set to its native resolution and screen format. If you want to check if you’re on the right track, go to Settings > Display, and choose the recommended resolution and orientation.

How do I get rid of black bars on lower resolution?

Right-click on your desktop and select “Display Settings” from the dropdown menu. Expand the dropdown menu under the “Resolution” section to see all options. Select a different resolution and click “Apply.” Check whether the black bars are gone.

How do I change my MapleStory settings?

If the button layout is not to your liking, you can adjust the hotkeys via the Keyboard Setting window (Hotkey: \). In addition, you can reset your keys and change between Basic and Secondary Key Settings by selecting the “DEFAULT” button in the Keyboard Setting window.

How do I change aspect ratio?

Crop Image to an Aspect Ratio

  1. Click Upload an image and select the image you want to crop.
  2. Under step 2, click the Fixed Aspect Ratio button, then enter that ratio, such as 5 and 2, and click Change.
  3. Drag a rectangle over the image to select the area you want.
  4. Move the selection as needed, then click Crop.

Why is my monitor split in half?

To disable the split screen feature try this procedure : Click on the Start button, type “settings” and click on “Settings” in the results. Click on “System” > “Multitasking” and uncheck “Snap windows”.

Why is my computer screen half shaded?

If half of your screen is dark then you likely have a failed panel. Unplug and check the display cable at both ends to make sure nothing looks wrong and maybe even reseat your graphics card just to be sure, but usually changes like that are due to panel issues or failure of the backlighting.

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