What ASVAB score do you need to be a medic in the Army?

What ASVAB score do you need to be a medic in the Army?

For enlistment into the Army, you must get a minimum ASVAB score of 31….Army Line Scores:

68W Combat medic specialist ST:101 & GT:107
68X Mental health specialist ST:101
68Y Eye specialist ST:101 & GT:107
74D Chemical operations specialist ST:100

What is a good AFQT score for the Army?

What Is a Good ASVAB Score? Minimum Scores for Enlistment

Military Branch Minimum AFQT Score (High School Diploma) Minimum AFQT Score (GED)
Army 31 50
Coast Guard 40 50
Marine Corps 35 50
Navy 35 50

What AFQT score do you need to be an officer?

TEST SCORES High school seniors or graduates must achieve a 36 AFQT (overall score) as the minimum qualifying score. GED holders must achieve a 50 AFQT. The ASVAB is not required to join the Air Force as an Officer, however, most Officer candidates must pass the Air Force Officer Qualifying Test (AFOQT).

Is 70 a good AFQT score?

With standard scores, the majority score is between 30 and 70. That means that a standard score of 50 is an average score and that a score of 60 is an above-average score.

What is the Afqt score?

AFQT score is computed using the formula: 2VE + AR + MK. VE is your Verbal Expression score which is a combination of your Word Knowledge (WK) and your Paragraph Comprehension (PC) score. To determine VE, your WK and PC scores are added together and the result is converted to a scaled score between 20 and 62.

What is a good AFQT raw score?

Convert your raw score to a percentile score to compare your results to the results of thousands of other ASVAB test-takers. Army recruits require a minimum score of 31, Marine Corps recruits at least 32, Navy recruits are at least a 35, and Coast Guard and Air Force ASVAB score is at least a 36.

What is AFQT percentile?

An AFQT percentile score indicates the percentage of examinees in a reference group that scored at or below that particular score. An AFQT score of 50 indicates that the examinee scored as well as or better than 50% of the nationally-representative sample.

How is AFQT score calculated?

The formula to derive the AFQT “raw score” is 2VE + AR (Arithmetic Reasoning) + MK (Mathematics Knowledge) = AFQT score. The AFQT raw score you receive is then translated into a percentile score that tells you how well you did on the AFQT compared to a base group of approximately 6,000 other test takers ages 18–23.

What is AFQT category?

AFQT scores are grouped into five categories based on percentile score ranges. People who score in Categories I and II tend to be above average in trainability; those in Category III, average; those in Category IV, below average; and those in Category V, markedly below average.

What does AFQT mean?

Armed Forces Qualification Test
In addition to the individual standard scores, recruits receive an Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) score. AFQT scores are calculated from four ASVAB subtests: arithmetic reasoning, mathematics knowledge, paragraph comprehension and word knowledge. AFQT scores are used to determine enlistment eligibility.

Can someone calculate the AFQT score?

To compute your AFQT score, the military takes your Verbal Expression (VE) score and doubles it. They then add it to your Mathematics Knowledge (MK) and Arithmetic Reasoning (AR) raw scores. The Formula is 2VE+MK+AR . The then compare the result to a table to derive your AFQT percentile score.

What is a good Army ASVAB score?

Your ASVAB score includes your Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) score. For high school graduates, the required score is usually in the lower 30s, while those with a GED are usually required to score at least a 50. A “good” score for those who have graduated high school is considered to be a 35.

What do my AFQT scores mean?

The AFQT. Your AFQT score is your scores from Arithmetic Reasoning, Math Knowledge and Verbal Composite x 2. It is used to determine if you are eligible to join a particular branch of the military. Your Verbal Composite score is your Word Knowledge plus Paragraph Comprehension scores.

How is the AFQT percentile score determined?

Add the value of your Word Knowledge score to your Paragraph Comprehension score.

  • Convert the result of Step 1 to a scaled score,ranging from 20 to 62.
  • To get your raw AFQT score,double your VE score and then add your Arithmetic Reasoning (AR) score and your Mathematics Knowledge (MK) score to it.
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