What is trinomial in mathematics?

What is trinomial in mathematics?

In elementary algebra, a trinomial is a polynomial consisting of three terms or monomials.

What is the brief definition of trinomial?

1 : a polynomial of three terms. 2 : a biological taxonomic name of three terms of which the first designates the genus, the second the species, and the third the subspecies or variety.

What is the definition of trinomial and examples?

The definition of a trinomial is a math equation that has three terms which are connected by plus or minus notations. An example of trinomial is 6x squared + 3x + 5. Trinomial means the scientific name of a plant. An example of a trinomial is a name which inclues the genus, species and the variety.

Is there a trinomial Theorem?

In probability, the trinomial coefficient (sometimes called the central trinomial coefficient) is the number of ways of partitioning a set of objects into three disjoint subsets.

How do you explain a trinomial?

In algebra, like terms are terms that have the same variables and powers. The coefficients do not need to match. Unlike terms are two or more terms that are not like terms, i.e. they do not have the same variables or powers.

What is the definition of quadratic trinomial?

We learned that a quadratic trinomial is a quadratic expression with all three terms in the form of ax^2 + bx + c, where a, b, and c are numbers and not a 0. The method of factoring involves finding what multiplies together to get our quadratic. You will end up with two pairs of parentheses when you are done factoring.

What is the vertex in math?

A vertex (or node) of a graph is one of the objects that are connected together. The connections between the vertices are called edges or links. A graph with 10 vertices (or nodes) and 11 edges (links).

What is the coefficient of trinomial?

What is the like terms of 7xy?

9xy is the like term of 7xy as …

What does distribute mean math?

When you distribute something, you are dividing it into parts. In math, the distributive property helps simplify difficult problems because it breaks down expressions into the sum or difference of two numbers.

What is the general binomial theorem?

Binomial theorem. Binomial Theorem An algebraic expression containing two terms is called a binomial expression. The general form of the binomial expression is (x + y) and the expansion of (x + y)n is called the binomial theorem. This theorem gives a formula for the expansion of the powers of a binomial expression.

What is the formula for binomial theorem?

For a binomial involving subtraction, the theorem can be applied by using the form (x − y) n = (x + (−y)) n. This has the effect of changing the sign of every other term in the expansion:

How do you expand A binomial expression?

The binomial theorem is used to expand binomial expressions (a + b) raised to any given power without direct multiplication. For example: Starting with the first term and progressing to the last, the exponent of a decreases by one while the exponent of b increases by one, and the sum of the exponents of a and b in each term is n.

What is the formula for binomial equation?

The probability of obtaining x successes in n independent trials of a binomial experiment is given by the following formula of binomial distribution: P(X) = nC x p x(1-p) n-x. where p is the probability of success. In the above equation of binomial distribution, nC x is used, which is nothing but combinations formula.

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