How can I get Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta IPO result?
How to Check Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta IPO Allotment (Result):
- Step 1: Log on to
- Step 2: You will see this type of interface on your device.
- Step 3: Type your 16 digit BOID Number (Beneficial Owner Identification Number)
- Step 4: Click on View Result Tab.
How can I check my Jiban Bikas IPO result?
You can view the Jeevan Bikas Laghubitta IPO results on the MeroShare website by going to the application report and entering your Demat number or BOID number.
Is manushi Laghubitta IPO result out?
The IPO result of Manushi Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited has been allotted (published result) on Monday, 2078 Bhadra 7 (23rd August 2021, 8:30 AM)….Detail Statement:
The IPO Issuing Company | Manushi Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited |
Total Allotted Kitta | 368593 Kitta |
Total Allottee | 36859 applicants |
How can I see Mahila Laghubitta result?
You can check your Mahila Laghubitta IPO result for allotment status inside your meroshare account.
How can I check Nepal share result?
Now, the general public will be able to see the IPO results by visiting Mero Share, the company’s website and the sales manager’s website only. You can now check the result on CDSC website, they lunched new website for checking IPO result only.
How can I check my IPO result in Malaysia?
How will I know if my IPO application is successful? You should use the “Status Enquiry” function in to view the status of your application. The details of your transaction will be displayed on screen. You will also be able to view your eShare Application transactions via ATM online.
How can I check my IPO result in Mero share?
Visit and enter your BOID number to view the latest IPO result. This is how you can view IPO Allotment result using Meroshare.
What is Laghubitta?
Unique Nepal Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. (UNLBSL) is a rural micro-finance institution. Currently, it provides its services to more than 82,000 poor and marginalized beneficiaries from ten districts of Province 5 and Province 7. It continually aims at improving access to financial services.
How can I check IPO result in Nepal?
How do I find IPO?
IPO investors can track upcoming IPOs on the websites for exchanges like NASDAQ and NYSE, and these websites: Google News, Yahoo Finance, IPO Monitor, IPO Scoop, Renaissance Capital IPO Center, and Hoovers IPO Calendar.