How many techniques are there in Katame waza?

How many techniques are there in Katame waza?

32 techniques
Katame-Waza (32 techniques)

What is holding technique in Judo?

Judo holds, or Osaekomi-Waza, are methods used for securing your opponent. The groundwork, as it is also known, is a technique where you use your body to cover and hold your opponent down. The gentler way, it holds the opponent, where they still have movement but are unable to escape or retaliate.

How do you do Osoto Gari Judo?

The Osoto-gari (Large outer reap) consists of pulling the opponent forward to destabilize him, and then sweeping his leg out from under him like a sickle cutting grass.

Can you leg sweep in judo?

Judo Terms. Glossary of Judo waza (techniques) terms “Kari-ashi” (Foot sweep) is an Ashi waza (Foot / Leg techniques) in which the opponent is toppled by reaping his foot.

Which is the reverse scarf hold in judo?

Ushiro-kesa-gatame (後袈裟固): Reverse Scarf Hold. The Kodokan officially also referred to this technique as kuzure-kesa-gatame until 2017. Ura-kesa-gatame (裹袈裟固): The Kodokan officially also refers to this technique as Kuzure-kesa-gatame.

What are some of the most famous judo techniques?

Kani basami (蟹挟): Crab or scissors throw. (Forbidden in competition.) Kawazu gake (河津掛): One-leg entanglement. (Forbidden in competition.) Tama guruma (球車):Jade wheel. The Kodokan officially also refers to this technique as Kata guruma. Ude gaeshi (腕返): Arm reversal. The Kodokan officially also refers to this technique as Yoko wakare.

What is the name of the hand wheel judo technique?

Te Guruma (手車): Hand wheel. The Kodokan officially also refers to this technique as Sukui nage. Daki age (抱上): Hugging high lift.

What is the name of the side circle throw in judo?

The Kodokan officially also refers to this technique as Kata guruma. Ude gaeshi (腕返): Arm reversal. The Kodokan officially also refers to this technique as Yoko wakare. Yoko Tomoe Nage (横巴投): Side circle throw. The Kodokan officially also refers to this technique as Tomoe nage.

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