How a CDO is valued?

How a CDO is valued?

A market-value CDO is one in which the CDO tranches receive payments based essentially on the mark-to-market returns of the collat- eral pool, as determined in large part by the trading performance of the CDO manager. The trustee of the CDO is responsible for monitoring the contractual provisions of the CDO.

What are CDO tranches?

To create a collateralized debt obligation (CDO), investment banks gather cash flow-generating assets—such as mortgages, bonds, and other types of debt—and repackage them into discrete classes, or tranches based on the level of credit risk assumed by the investor.

Do CDOs tranches?

As a result, CDOs are cash flow-generating assets for investors. All of these credit products are repackaged and grouped into tranches based on the credit risk appetite for the investors buying the CDO. If the loans within a CDO are mortgage loans, the product is often referred to as a mortgage-backed security (MBS).

Who are the typical investors in CDO tranches?

Usually, public investors are not the typical buyer of CDOs. More often than not, pension funds, insurance companies, investment managers, banks and other financial institutions buy CDOs. The objective of buying CDOs as a financial institution is to outperform treasury yields while minimizing risk exposure.

How big was the CDO market in 2007?

How big was the CDO market in 2007? From 2004 through 2007, $1.4 trillion worth of CDOs were issued. Early CDOs were diversified, and might include everything from aircraft lease-equipment debt, manufactured housing loans, to student loans and credit card debt.

How do banks make money on CDOs?

CDOs enable banks to make money in several ways. Firstly, by moving loans off the balance sheet and into an SPV, the banks can continue issuing more loans. More loans equal to more fees. Then there are the CDO charges for setting up the SPV and paying the CDO manager.

What is a CDO for dummies?

CDOs, or collateralized debt obligations, are financial tools banks use to repackage individual loans into a product sold to investors on the secondary market. These packages consist of auto loans, credit card debt, mortgages, or corporate debt.

Are CDOs junk bonds?

CDOs were first created in 1987 by Drexel Burnham Lambert, a defunct dealer in junk bonds. CDOs were also one of the major types of securities that were severely downgraded during the 2007 – 2009 Great Recession, because they were based on subprime mortgages.


Both MBS and CDOs are fixed-income securities: They consist of a bundled group of individual assets—mainly various types of loans and other debt—that, bond-like, generate interest for investors. So, many MBS may be part of CDOs; depending on their structure, they may also qualify as CDOs.

What is the difference between CDO and CLO?

Though both CLO and CDO are similar types of debt instruments, they are very different from each other. The primary difference between CLO vs CDO is with the underlying assets backing them. CLO uses corporate loans, while CDO mostly uses mortgages.

Why CDO is bad?

CDOs are risky by design, and the decline in value of their underlying commodities, mainly mortgages, resulted in significant losses for many during the financial crisis. As borrowers make payments on their mortgages, the box fills with cash.

Are CDOs bad?

What kind of CDO is a single tranche?

The most popular single tranche CDOs are exchange traded standardized tranches. The reference credit pools of such CDOs are CDS indices, such as CDX and ITRAXX series. Other (non-standard) single tranche CDOs are often called bespoke tranches.

How is a risk analysis of a CDO done?

From this “binomial-expansion” formula, a risk analysis of the CDO can be conducted by assuming that the performance of the collateral pool is sufficiently well approximated by the performance of the comparison portfolio. Moody’s would not rely exclusively on the diversity score in rating the CDO tranches.

How are interest and principal payments to CDO tranches determined?

The implication of this characteristic is that the uncertainty regarding interest and principal payments to the CDO tranches is determined mainly by the number and timing of defaults of the collateral securities.

Which is the best method for CDO valuation?

Monte Carlo simulation has been the most popular method for CDO valuation. It is flexible and relatively simple for implementation. The disadvantage is that Monte Carlo simulation can be resource intensive for large CDOs.

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