What is swagger in LoopBack?

What is swagger in LoopBack? The Swagger connector enables LoopBack applications to interact with other RESTful APIs described using the OpenAPI (Swagger) specification. Configure a Swagger data source. Options for the Swagger connector. Create a model from the Swagger data source. Extend a model to wrap/mediate API Operations. Is LoopBack good? If your application can […]

What happened to Kevin Anderson Tennis?

What happened to Kevin Anderson Tennis? South Africa’s Kevin Anderson bowed out of the US Open on Thursday after a straight-sets defeat to Argentina’s Diego Schwartzman. Schwartzman won 7-6 (7/4), 6-3, 6-4 in a bizarre match that had to move courts because of heavy rain. Who is Anderson at Wimbledon? Kevin Anderson Three years ago, […]

Do detox drinks actually help you lose weight?

Do detox drinks actually help you lose weight? Some people claim that detox drinks help remove toxins from a person’s body and promote weight loss. Typically a person will include detox drinks as part of a detox diet. However, there is very little evidence that these types of drinks and diet have any detoxification effects. […]

When was the last drought in Brazil?

When was the last drought in Brazil? The 2014–17 Brazilian drought is a severe drought affecting the southeast of Brazil including the metropolitan areas of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. How long has Brazil been in a drought? Brazil is in the throes of its worst drought in 91 years, which has returned the […]

What is Labour only contract?

What is Labour only contract? What is a labour only contract? Under a labour only contract, the worker supplies labour only and does not supply materials for the job. Where the contract is with an entity that supplies workers on a labour only basis, then the contract is for the provision of services and not […]

Where is Treasure Island sand sculptures?

Where is Treasure Island sand sculptures? Sanding Ovations Master’s Cup is a four day Sand Sculpting exhibition and Music Festival, located on the beach behind the Bilmar Beach Resort on Treasure Island, Florida. Where was the largest sand castle built in Florida? Guinness representatives conducted an official measurement of the sandcastle, in southern Miami’s Virginia […]

What killed Oliver Hardy?

What killed Oliver Hardy? August 7, 1957 Oliver Hardy/Date of death Did Stan Laurel marry a man? On 6 May 1946, he married Ida Kitaeva Raphael to whom he remained married until his death. Did Laurel and Hardy hate each other? On screen, Laurel and Hardy fit together perfectly, physically, emotionally, temperamentally, and comedically. In […]

Qual o significado da frase de Descartes cogito ergo sum?

Qual o significado da frase de Descartes cogito ergo sum? Cogito, ergo sum é uma frase de autoria do filósofo e matemático francês René Descartes (1596-1650). Em geral, é traduzida para o português como “penso, logo existo”; embora seja mais correto traduzi-la como “penso, portanto sou”. Descartes alcança essa conclusão após duvidar da verdade de […]

What is the composition of laterite soil?

What is the composition of laterite soil? Laterite soil is rich in aluminum and iron, formed in wet and hot tropical areas. Almost all laterites are rusty red due to the presence of iron oxides. It is prepared by the long-lasting and intensive weathering of the parent rock. What is laterite mineral? Typical laterite is […]

Who was the only president to have a patent?

Who was the only president to have a patent? Abraham Lincoln (Gilder Lehrman Collection) On March 10, 1849, Abraham Lincoln filed a patent for a device for “buoying vessels over shoals” with the US Patent Office. Patent No. 6,469 was approved two months later, giving Abraham Lincoln the honor of being the only US president […]

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