What is it called when you do the same thing and expect different results?

What is it called when you do the same thing and expect different results?

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” That witticism—I’ll call it “Einstein Insanity”—is usually attributed to Albert Einstein.

Do something over and over again?

To reiterate is to do or say something over and over again, to repeat insistently: to reiterate a refusal, a demand.

What is another word for doing the same thing?

What is another word for doing the same?

reciprocating requiting
exchanging recompensing
countering interchanging
responding swapping
retorting squaring

What is another word for routinely?

In this page you can discover 18 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for routinely, like: normally, habitually, regularly, generally, systematically, rigorously, consistently, per usual, commonly, frequently and naturally.

Is insanity doing the same thing?

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

What is the definition of doing the same thing over and over again?

Doing The Same Thing Over And Over Again And Expecting Different Results. The quote “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” is popular, being widely attributed to Einstein (probably incorrectly).

Can you do the same thing but expect different results?

You can’t do something the same but a little different or it’s not the same. Quite a few people try to counter the common insanity statement by stating that you can and should get different/better results if you keep doing the same thing over and over again.

Can you do something the same but a little different?

You can’t do something the same but a little different or it’s not the same. Quite a few people try to counter the common insanity statement by stating that you can and should get different/better results if you keep doing the same thing over and over again. They are wrong.

What does Einstein mean by doing the same thing over and over?

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. These words are usually credited to the acclaimed genius Albert Einstein.

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